Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python

import pyspextools.messages as message
import numpy as np
import as fits

[docs]class Arf: """Class to read OGIP ARF files. The variable naming is made consistent with the HEASOFT HEASP module by Keith Arnaud. :ivar LowEnergy: Low Energy boundary of bin :vartype LowEnergy: numpy.ndarray :ivar HighEnergy: High Energy boundary of bin :vartype HighEnergy: numpy.ndarray :ivar EffArea: Effective area of bin :vartype EffArea: numpy.ndarray :ivar EnergyUnits: Energy units :vartype EnergyUnits: str :ivar ARFUnits: Unit of effective area :vartype ARFUnits: str :ivar Order: Grating order (for grating arrays, else 0) :vartype Order: int :ivar Grating: Grating instrument (if available, 1 = HEG, 2 = MEG, 3 = LEG) :vartype Grating: int """ def __init__(self): """Initialize an ARF object.""" self.LowEnergy = np.array([], dtype=float) # Low Energy of bin self.HighEnergy = np.array([], dtype=float) # High Energy of bin self.EffArea = np.array([], dtype=float) # Effective Area of bin self.EnergyUnits = 'keV' # Energy units self.ARFUnits = 'cm2' self.Order = 0 # Grating order (for grating arrays, else 0) self.Grating = 0 # Grating instrument (if available, 1 = HEG, 2 = MEG, 3 = LEG)
[docs] def read(self, arffile): """Read the effective area from an OGIP ARF file. :param arffile: Effective area file name (FITS/OGIP format) :type arffile: str """ (data, header) = fits.getdata(arffile, 'SPECRESP', header=True) self.LowEnergy = data['ENERG_LO'] self.HighEnergy = data['ENERG_HI'] self.EffArea = data['SPECRESP'] self.EnergyUnits = header['TUNIT1'] if header['TUNIT3'] == 'cm**2': self.ARFUnits = 'cm2' elif header['TUNIT3'] == 'cm2': self.ARFUnits = 'cm2' else: message.warning("ARF units are not recognized.") try: self.Order = header['TG_M'] self.Grating = header['TG_PART'] except KeyError: self.Order = 0 self.Grating = 0 # Check for NULL values nans = np.isnan(self.EffArea) if np.any(nans): for i in np.arange(self.EffArea.size): if nans[i]: self.EffArea[i] = 0.0 return 0
[docs] def write(self, arffile, telescop=None, instrume=None, filter=None, overwrite=False): """Write an OGIP compatible ARF file (Non-grating format). :param arffile: Effective area file name to write (FITS/OGIP format) :type arffile: str :param telescop: Telescope name (optional) :type telescop: str :param instrume: Instrument name (optional) :type instrume: str :param filter: Filter setting (optional) :type filter: str :param overwrite: Overwrite existing file? (True/False) :type overwrite: bool """ # Write the ARF arrays into FITS column format col1 = fits.Column(name='ENERG_LO', format='D', unit=self.EnergyUnits, array=self.LowEnergy) col2 = fits.Column(name='ENERG_HI', format='D', unit=self.EnergyUnits, array=self.HighEnergy) col3 = fits.Column(name='SPECRESP', format='D', unit=self.ARFUnits, array=self.EffArea) hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([col1, col2, col3]) hdr = hdu.header hdr.set('EXTNAME', 'SPECRESP') # Set the TELESCOP keyword (optional) if telescop == None: hdr.set('TELESCOP', 'None', 'Telescope name') else: hdr.set('TELESCOP', telescop, 'Telescope name') # Set the INSTRUME keyword (optional) if instrume == None: hdr.set('INSTRUME', 'None', 'Instrument name') else: hdr.set('INSTRUME', instrume, 'Instrument name') # Set the FILTER keyword (optional) if filter is None: hdr.set('FILTER', 'None', 'Filter setting') else: hdr.set('FILTER', filter, 'Filter setting') hdr.set('DETNAM', 'None') hdr.set('HDUCLASS', 'OGIP') hdr.set('HDUCLAS1', 'RESPONSE') hdr.set('HDUCLAS2', 'SPECRESP') hdr.set('HDUVERS', '1.1.0') hdr.set('ORIGIN', 'SRON') hdu.header['HISTORY'] = 'Created by pyspextools:' hdu.header['HISTORY'] = '' try: hdu.writeto(arffile, overwrite=overwrite) except IOError: message.error("File {0} already exists. I will not overwrite it!".format(arffile)) return 1 return 0
[docs] def check(self): """Check if the basic information is read in.""" if self.LowEnergy.size <= 0: message.error("Energy array has zero length.") return 1 if self.EffArea.size <= 0: message.error("Effective area array has zero length.") return 1 return 0
[docs] def disp(self): """Display a summary of the ARF object.""" print("ARF effective area:") print("LowEnergy array: {0} Low Energy of bin".format(self.LowEnergy.size)) print("HighEnergy array: {0} High Energy of bin".format(self.HighEnergy.size)) print("EffArea array: {0} Effective Area of bin".format(self.EffArea.size)) print("Energy units: {0} Energy units".format(self.EnergyUnits)) print("Area units: {0} Area units".format(self.ARFUnits)) return