Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python

# =========================================================
  Python module to read and write SPEX res and spo files.
  See this page for the format specification: 
  This module contains the data class:
    DATA:      Contains the collection of spectra and
               responses organized in SPEX regions   
    - numpy:      Array operations
    - spo:        The spo class from this pyspextools data module
    - res:        The res class from this pyspextools data module
# =========================================================

import numpy as np
import pyspextools.messages as message

from .region import Region
from .spo import Spo
from .res import Res

# =========================================================
# Data class
# =========================================================

[docs]class Dataset: """The dataset class is the most general class containing a dataset with multiple regions. Using this class, users can read, write and manipulate spectral datasets. :ivar regions: List of regions. :vartype regions: list :ivar config: Response configuration (combinations of sector and region values). :vartype config: numpy.ndarray """ def __init__(self): """Initialise a SPEX dataset.""" self.regions = [] self.config = np.empty(shape=[0, 2], dtype=int) # ----------------------------------------------------- # Read one region from a spo and res file. # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def read_region(self, isector, iregion, spofile, resfile, label=""): """Read one region with number iregion from the two SPEX files and add it to the dataset. :param isector: Sector number associated with the region to select. :type isector: int :param iregion: Region number to select. :type iregion: int :param spofile: File name of the .spo file. :type spofile: str :param resfile: File name of the .res file. :type resfile: str :param label: Text string to identify the region (optional). :type label: str """ # Read the spo and res files in a temporary object tspo = Spo() tspo.read_file(spofile) tres = Res() tres.read_file(resfile) # Create new region reg = Region() # Return desired region and save into local region object reg.spo = tspo.return_region(iregion) reg.res = tres.return_region(isector, iregion) # Adapt region number to local set reg.res.region = reg.res.region + len(self.regions) # Run consistency checks reg.check() # Add label to the region self.label = label # Add region to list of regions self.regions.append(reg) # Add the sector and region to the config variable of this dataset self.config = np.append(self.config, [[isector, iregion]], axis=0)
# ----------------------------------------------------- # Read all the regions from a spo and res file. # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def read_all_regions(self, spofile, resfile): """Read all the regions from a spo and res file and add them to the dataset. :param spofile: File name of the input .spo file. :type spofile: str :param resfile: File name of the input .res file. :type resfile: str """ # Read the spo and res files in a temporary object tspo = Spo() tspo.read_file(spofile) tres = Res() tres.read_file(resfile) # Check if the number of regions in both files are the same if tspo.nregion != tres.nregion: print("Error: the spo and res files do not have the same number of regions!") return # Read the response configuration config = self.read_config(tres) # Update the response configuration if self.config.size == 0: self.config = config regmax = 0 secmax = 0 else: secmax, regmax = np.amax(self.config, axis=0) for i in np.arange(tspo.nregion): # Initialize a new region reg = Region() reg.spo = tspo.return_region(config[i, 1]) reg.res = tres.return_region(config[i, 0], config[i, 1]) # Run consistency checks reg.check() # Add region to list of regions self.regions.append(reg) reg.increase_region(regmax) self.update_config()
# ----------------------------------------------------- # Append a region object to the dataset # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def append_region(self, region, isector, iregion): """Append a region object to the dataset. :param region: Input region object. :type region: :param isector: Sector number to be selected from the region object. :type isector: int :param iregion: Region number to be selected from the region object. :type iregion: int """ # Reset sector and region for incoming region for i in np.arange(len(region.res.region)): region.res.region[i] = iregion region.res.sector[i] = isector # Append the region self.regions.append(region) # Add the sector and region to the config variable of this dataset self.config = np.append(self.config, np.array([[isector, iregion]]), axis=0)
# ----------------------------------------------------- # Write one region to a spo and res file. # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def write_region(self, spofile, resfile, iregion, exp_rate=True, overwrite=False, history=None): """Write one region to a spo and res file. :param spofile: File name of the input .spo file. :type spofile: str :param resfile: File name of the input .res file. :type resfile: str :param iregion: Region number to be selected from the region object. :type iregion: int :param exp_rate: Write an EXP_RATE column or not. :type exp_rate: bool :param overwrite: Should we overwrite existing files? :type overwrite: bool :param history: History information. :type history: List/Array of strings """ if len(self.regions) >= iregion > 0: self.regions[iregion - 1].spo.write_file(spofile, exp_rate=exp_rate, overwrite=overwrite, history=history) self.regions[iregion - 1].res.write_file(resfile, overwrite=overwrite, history=history) else: print("Error: region number not found!") return 1 return 0
# ----------------------------------------------------- # Write all the regions to a spo and res file. # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def write_all_regions(self, spofile, resfile, exp_rate=True, overwrite=False, history=None): """Write all regions in the data object to spo and res. :param spofile: File name of the input .spo file. :type spofile: str :param resfile: File name of the input .res file. :type resfile: str :param exp_rate: Write an EXP_RATE column or not. :type exp_rate: bool :param overwrite: Should we overwrite existing files? :type overwrite: bool :param history: History information. :type history: List/Array of strings """ tspo = Spo() tres = Res() i = 0 for ireg in self.regions: tspo.add_spo_region(ireg.spo) tres.add_res_region(ireg.res, isector=self.config[i, 0], iregion=self.config[i, 1]) i = i + 1 stat = tspo.write_file(spofile, exp_rate=exp_rate, overwrite=overwrite, history=history) if stat != 0: message.error("Writing SPO file failed.") return 1 stat = tres.write_file(resfile, overwrite=overwrite, history=history) if stat != 0: message.error("Writing RES file failed.") return 1 return 0
# ----------------------------------------------------- # Function to read the response configuration # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def read_config(self, res): """Read the response configuration. :param res: SPEX response object. :type res: """ config = np.empty(shape=[0, 2], dtype=int) psector = 0 pregion = 0 for i in np.arange(res.ncomp): # Loop through components to find sector-region combinations if (res.region[i] != pregion) or (res.sector[i] != psector): config = np.append(config, np.array([[res.sector[i], res.region[i]]]), axis=0) psector = res.sector[i] pregion = res.region[i] return config
# ----------------------------------------------------- # Function to update the response configuration # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def update_config(self): """Update the response configuration.""" self.config = np.empty(shape=[0, 2], dtype=int) pregion = 0 # Set previous region psector = 0 # Set previous sector for reg in self.regions: # Loop through components to find sector-region combinations if (reg.res.region[0] != pregion) or (reg.res.sector[0] != psector): self.config = np.append(self.config, np.array([[reg.res.sector[0], reg.res.region[0]]]), axis=0) pregion = reg.res.region[0] psector = reg.res.sector[0] else: message.error("Double sector and region identification.")
# ----------------------------------------------------- # Function to assign a new sector number to a region # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def assign_sector(self, iregion, newsector): """Assign a new sector number to a specific region. :param iregion: Region number to assign new sector number for. :type iregion: int :param newsector: New sector number. :type newsector: int """ if len(self.regions) >= iregion > 0: self.regions[iregion-1].set_sector(newsector) self.update_config() else: print("Error: region number not found!") return 1
# ----------------------------------------------------- # Function to assign a new region number to a region # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def assign_region(self, iregion, newregion): """Assign a new region number to a specific region. :param iregion: Region number to assign new number for. :type iregion: int :param newregion: New region number. :type newregion: int """ if len(self.regions) >= iregion > 0: self.regions[iregion-1].set_region(newregion) self.update_config() else: print("Error: region number not found!") return 1
# ----------------------------------------------------- # Function to assign a new region number to a region # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def assign_sector_region(self, iregion, newsector, newregion): """Assign a new sector and region number to a specific region. :param iregion: Region number to assign new sector number for. :type iregion: int :param newsector: New sector number. :type newsector: int :param newregion: New region number. :type newregion: int """ if len(self.regions) >= iregion > 0: self.regions[iregion-1].set_sector(newsector) self.regions[iregion-1].set_region(newregion) self.update_config() else: print("Error: region number not found!") return 1
# ----------------------------------------------------- # Show a summary of the dataset, similar to data show in SPEX # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def show(self): """Show a summary for the entire dataset""" for ireg in np.arange(len(self.regions)): print("===========================================================") print(" Part {0}".format(ireg+1)) self.regions[ireg].show(isector=self.config[ireg, 0], iregion=self.config[ireg, 1]) print("")