Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Import stuff for compatibility between python 2 and 3

import pyspextools.messages as message
import numpy as np
import math
import as fits
from .rmf import Rmf

[docs]class Pha: """Class to read OGIP PHA files. The variable naming is made consistent with the HEASOFT HEASP module by Keith Arnaud. :ivar FirstChannel: First valid spectral channel. :vartype FirstChannel: int :ivar DetChans: Total number of legal channels. :vartype DetChans: int :ivar Channel: Spectrum channels. :vartype Channel: numpy.ndarray :ivar Rate: Spectrum spectrum count rate. :vartype Rate: numpy.ndarray :ivar StatError: Spectrum error rate (if exists). :vartype StatError: numpy.ndarray :ivar SysError: Spectrum systematic error. :vartype SysError: numpy.ndarray :ivar Quality: Quality flag. :vartype Quality: numpy.ndarray :ivar Grouping: Grouping information. :vartype Grouping: numpy.ndarray :ivar AreaScaling: Areascal keyword/array. :vartype AreaScaling: numpy.ndarray :ivar BackScaling: Backscal keyword/array. :vartype BackScaling: numpy.ndarray :ivar CorrScal: Correction spectrum scaling. :vartype CorrScal: float :ivar Exposure: Exposure time of the spectrum. :vartype Exposure: float :ivar Poisserr: Are the errors Poissonian. :vartype Poisserr: bool :ivar Spectrumtype: Spectrumtype (TOTAL, NET or BKG). :vartype SpectrumType: str :ivar PhaType: Whether the spectrum is in COUNTS or RATE. :vartype PhaType: str :ivar rmffile: Associated Response matrix file. :vartype rmffile: str :ivar arffile: Associated Effective area file. :vartype arffile: str :ivar bkgfile: Associated Background file. :vartype bkgfile: str :ivar corfile: Associated Correction spectrum file. :vartype corfile: str :ivar Pha2Back: Is there a PHA2 background available? :vartype Pha2Back: bool :ivar BackRate: PHA2 Background Rate. :vartype BackRate: numpy.ndarray :ivar BackStatError: PHA2 Background Error. :vartype BackStatError: numpy.ndarray :ivar Pha2BackScal: Backscale value for background. :vartype Pha2BackScal: float """ def __init__(self): # Spectrum arrays self.FirstChannel = 0 # First valid spectral channel self.DetChans = 0 # Total number of legal channels self.Channel = np.array([], dtype=int) # Spectrum channels self.Rate = np.array([], dtype=float) # Spectrum spectrum count rate self.StatError = np.array([], dtype=float) # Spectrum error rate (if exists) self.SysError = np.array([], dtype=float) # Spectrum systematic error self.Quality = np.array([], dtype=int) # Quality flag self.Grouping = np.array([], dtype=int) # Grouping information self.AreaScaling = np.array([], dtype=float) # Areascal keyword/array self.BackScaling = np.array([], dtype=float) # Backscal keyword/array self.CorrScal = 1.0 # Correction spectrum scaling self.Exposure = 0.0 # Exposure time of the spectrum self.Poisserr = True # Are the errors Poissonian self.Spectrumtype = 'TOTAL' # Spectrumtype (TOTAL, NET or BKG) self.PhaType = 'COUNTS' # Whether the spectrum is in COUNTS or RATE self.rmffile = None # Associated Response matrix file self.arffile = None # Associated Effective area file self.bkgfile = None # Associated Background file self.corfile = None # Associated Correction spectrum file # Only applicable for PHA2 files: self.Pha2Back = False # Is there a PHA2 background available self.BackRate = np.array([], dtype=float) # PHA2 Background Rate self.BackStatError = np.array([], dtype=float) # PHA2 Background Error self.Pha2BackScal = 1.0 # Backscale value for background
[docs] def read(self, filename, force_poisson=False): """Read a spectrum from a PHA file. :param filename: PHA file name to be read. :type filename: str :param force_poisson: Force the calculation of Poisson errors (default: False) :type force_poisson: bool """ # Read the data and header from the SPECTRUM extension (data, header) = fits.getdata(filename, 'SPECTRUM', header=True) # Read the number of channels (outside the header call because of PHAII files). self.DetChans = header['DETCHANS'] # Read the header self.read_header(header) # Read Channel information self.Channel = data['CHANNEL'] self.FirstChannel = self.Channel[0] # Read the spectrum and convert to rate if necessary if self.PhaType == 'RATE': self.Rate = data['RATE'] else: self.Rate = np.zeros(self.DetChans, dtype=float) for i in np.arange(self.DetChans): self.Rate[i] = float(data['COUNTS'][i]) / self.Exposure # Only force Poisson errors for COUNTS spectra when flag is present if force_poisson: self.Poisserr = True # See if there are Statistical Errors present if not self.Poisserr: try: self.StatError = data['STAT_ERR'] except KeyError: self.StatError = None message.warning("No Poisson errors, but no STAT_ERR keyword found.") else: self.StatError = np.zeros(self.DetChans, dtype=float) for i in np.arange(self.DetChans): self.StatError[i] = math.sqrt(self.Rate[i] / self.Exposure) # Are there systematic errors? try: self.SysError = data['SYS_ERR'] except KeyError: self.SysError = np.zeros(self.DetChans, dtype=float) if self.PhaType == 'RATE': self.SysError = self.SysError / self.Exposure # Are there quality flags? try: self.Quality = data['QUALITY'] except KeyError: self.Quality = np.zeros(self.DetChans, dtype=int) # Are there grouping flags? try: self.Grouping = data['GROUPING'] except KeyError: self.Grouping = np.zeros(self.DetChans, dtype=int) # Is there a backscale column? try: self.BackScaling = data['BACKSCAL'] except KeyError: self.BackScaling = np.ones(self.DetChans, dtype=float) * header['BACKSCAL'] # Is there an areascale column? try: self.AreaScaling = data['AREASCAL'] except KeyError: self.AreaScaling = np.ones(self.DetChans, dtype=float) * header['AREASCAL'] return 0
[docs] def read_header(self, header): """Utility function to read the header from a SPECTRUM extension for both PHA and PHAII files. :param header: Header of the SPECTRUM extension. :type header: """ # Read Exposure information self.Exposure = header['EXPOSURE'] # Read how the spectrum is stored (COUNTS or RATE) try: self.Spectrumtype = header['HDUCLAS2'] except KeyError: self.Spectrumtype = 'TOTAL' message.warning("HDUCLAS2 keyword not found. Assuming spectrumtype is TOTAL.") try: self.PhaType = header['HDUCLAS3'] except KeyError: self.PhaType = 'COUNTS' message.warning("HDUCLAS3 keyword not found. Assuming PHA type is COUNTS.") # Read the POISERR keyword try: self.Poisserr = header['POISSERR'] except KeyError: self.Poisserr = False # Read Correction scaling factor self.CorrScal = header['CORRSCAL'] # Read a background file, if available try: self.bkgfile = header['BACKFILE'] except KeyError: self.bkgfile = None # Read an respoonse file, if available try: self.rmffile = header['RESPFILE'] except KeyError: self.rmffile = None # Read an effective area file, if available try: self.arffile = header['ANCRFILE'] except KeyError: self.arffile = None # Read a correction file, if available try: self.corfile = header['CORRFILE'] except KeyError: self.corfile = None
[docs] def check(self): """Check if the object contains the minimum required data.""" # Check exposure value if self.Exposure <= 0.0: message.error("Exposure time of spectrum is zero or smaller.") return 1 if self.DetChans <= 0: message.error("Number of channels is zero.") return 1 if self.Rate.size <= 0: message.error("Size of rate array is zero.") return 1 return 0
[docs] def create_dummy(self, resp): """Generate dummy spectrum based on rmf channel information. :param resp: Input RMF response object. :type resp: """ if not isinstance(resp, Rmf): message.error("Input response object is not the required Rmf object.") return # First copy the channel information to the PHA object self.Channel = resp.ebounds.Channel self.FirstChannel = resp.ebounds.Channel[0] self.DetChans = resp.ebounds.NumberChannels # Generate a dummy spectrum (obviously not realistic, should be simulated in SPEX later) # Set exposure, statistic and type of spectrum self.Exposure = 1000.0 self.Poisserr = True self.Spectrumtype = 'TOTAL' # Generate spectrum values and quality flags self.Rate = np.ones(self.DetChans, dtype=float) / self.Exposure self.StatError = np.ones(self.DetChans, dtype=float) / self.Exposure self.SysError = np.zeros(self.DetChans, dtype=float) self.Quality = np.zeros(self.DetChans, dtype=float) self.Grouping = np.zeros(self.DetChans, dtype=float) self.AreaScaling = np.ones(self.DetChans, dtype=float) self.BackScaling = np.ones(self.DetChans, dtype=float)
[docs] def disp(self): """Display a summary of the PHA file.""" print("") print("FirstChannel {0} First valid spectral channel".format(self.FirstChannel)) print("DetChans {0} Total number of legal channels".format(self.DetChans)) print("Exposure {0} Exposure time of the spectrum".format(self.Exposure)) print("Poisserr {0} Are the errors Poissonian".format(self.Poisserr)) print("Spectrumtype {0} Spectrumtype (TOTAL, NET or BKG)".format(self.Spectrumtype)) print("PhaType {0} Whether the spectrum is in COUNTS or RATE".format(self.PhaType)) print("AreaScaling {0} Areascal keyword/array".format(self.AreaScaling)) print("BackScaling {0} Backscal keyword/array".format(self.BackScaling)) print("CorrScal {0} Correction spectrum scaling".format(self.CorrScal)) print("") print("Arrays:") print("Channel {0} Spectrum channels".format(self.Channel.size)) print("Rate {0} Spectrum spectrum count rate".format(self.Rate.size)) print("StatError {0} Spectrum error rate (if exists)".format(self.StatError.size)) print("SysError {0} Spectrum systematic error".format(self.SysError.size)) print("Quality {0} Quality flag".format(self.Quality.size)) print("Grouping {0} Grouping information".format(self.Grouping.size)) print("") print("Associated files:") print("rmffile {0} Associated Response matrix file".format(self.rmffile)) print("arffile {0} Associated Effective area file".format(self.arffile)) print("bkgfile {0} Associated Background file".format(self.bkgfile)) print("corfile {0} Associated Correction spectrum file".format(self.corfile)) print("")
[docs] def check_compatibility(self, pha): """Check if another PHA object is compatible with the current one in terms of number of channels. :param pha: PHA object to check compatibility for. :type pha: """ # Check equal number of channels if self.DetChans != pha.DetChans: message.error("Number of channels not equal for both PHA files.") return 1 return 0
def number_channels(self): return self.DetChans