Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python

# =========================================================
  Python module to organise SPEX res and spo files into regions.
  See this page for the format specification:

  This module contains the Region class:

    Region:    Contains the the combination of a spectrum and a
               response organized in a SPEX region

    - numpy:      Array operations
    - spo:        The spo class from this pyspextools data module
    - res:        The res class from this pyspextools data module
# =========================================================

import numpy as np

from import Spo
from import Res
import pyspextools.messages as message

# =========================================================
# Region class
# =========================================================

[docs]class Region: """A SPEX region is a spectrum/response combination for a specific observation, instrument or region on the sky. It combines the spectrum and response file in one object. :ivar spo: Spo object :vartype spo: :ivar res: Res object :vartype res: """ def __init__(self): self.spo = Spo() # Spo object self.res = Res() # Res object self.label = "" # Optional region label (will not be written to file). For example: MOS1, annulus2, etc.
[docs] def change_label(self, label): """Attach a label to this region to easily identify it. For example: MOS1, annulus 2, etc. :param label: Text string to identify region. :type label: str """ self.label = str(label)
[docs] def set_sector(self, sector): """Set the sector number for this region. :param sector: Sector number to set for this region. :type sector: int """ for i in np.arange(self.res.sector.size): self.res.sector[i] = sector
[docs] def set_region(self, region): """Set the region number for this region. :param region: Region number to set for this region. :type region: int """ for i in np.arange(self.res.region.size): self.res.region[i] = region
[docs] def increase_region(self, amount): """Increase the region numbers by an integer amount. :param amount: Integer amount to add to region numbers. :type amount: int """ for i in np.arange(self.res.region.size): self.res.region[i] = self.res.region[i] + amount
[docs] def check(self, nregion=False): """Check whether spectrum and response are compatible and whether the arrays really consist of one region (if nregion flag is set). :param nregion: Flag to check whether the arrays just contain one region. :type nregion: bool """ if self.res.nchan[0] != self.spo.nchan[0]: message.error("Number of channels in spectrum is not equal to number of channels in response.") return -1 if nregion: if self.spo.nchan.size != 1: message.error("SPO object consists of more than one region according to nchan array size.") return -1 if self.spo.nregion != 1: message.error("SPO object consists of more than one region according to nregion parameter.") return -1 return 0
[docs] def show(self, isector=1, iregion=1): """Show a summary of the region metadata. :param isector: Sector number to show. :type isector: int :param iregion: Region number to show. :type iregion: int """ print("===========================================================") print(" Sector: {0} => Region: {1}".format(str(self.res.sector[0]), str(self.res.region[0]))) print(" Label: {0}".format(self.label)) print(" -------------------- Spectrum -------------------------") print(" -------------------- Response -------------------------"), iregion=iregion)