Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python

# =========================================================
  Python module to read and write SPEX spo files.
  SPEX spo files contain (background subtracted) spectra
  See this page for the format specification: 
  This file contains the spo class
    -     Read and write FITS files
    - numpy:               Array operations
# =========================================================

import pyspextools.messages as message
import as fits
import numpy as np
import datetime
import os

# =========================================================
# The spo class contains the spectral information for one
# spo file. This file can contain multiple spectra (regions).
# =========================================================

[docs]class Spo: """The spo class contains the spectral information for one spo file. This file can contain multiple spectra (regions). A call to spo() sets the variables that will contain the spectral information. :ivar sponame: File name of .spo file :vartype sponame: str :ivar empty: Is this object file empty? :vartype empty: bool :ivar nregion: Number of regions in file :vartype nregion: int :ivar nchan: Number of channels :vartype nchan: numpy.ndarray :ivar echan1: Lower energy bin value (keV). :vartype echan1: numpy.ndarray :ivar echan2: Upper energy bin value (keV). :vartype echan2: numpy.ndarray :ivar tints: Exposure time (s). :vartype tints: numpy.ndarray :ivar ochan: Source rate (c/s). :vartype ochan: numpy.ndarray :ivar dochan: Error Source rate (c/s). :vartype dochan: numpy.ndarray :ivar mbchan: Background rate (c/s). :vartype mbchan: numpy.ndarray :ivar dbchan: Error Background rate (c/s). :vartype dbchan: numpy.ndarray :ivar brat: Backscale ratio. :vartype brat: numpy.ndarray :ivar ssys: Systematic error fraction in ochan. :vartype ssys: numpy.ndarray :ivar bsys: Systematic error fraction in bchan. :vartype bsys: numpy.ndarray :ivar used: True if data channel is used in the calculations. :vartype used: numpy.ndarray :ivar first: True if first channel of a binned group, or if it is an unbinned data channel; otherwise false. :vartype first: numpy.ndarray :ivar last: True if last channel of a binned group, or if it is an unbinned data channel; otherwise false. :vartype last: numpy.ndarray :ivar brat_exist: Does the Exp_rate column exist? :vartype brat_exist: bool :ivar swap: Does the channel order need to be swapped? :vartype swap: bool :ivar anames: Dictionary with column names. :vartype anames: dict :ivar mask_region: Mask for region selection. :vartype mask_region: numpy.ndarray :ivar mask_spectrum: Mask for spectrum selection. :vartype mask_spectrum: numpy.ndarray """ # ----------------------------------------------------- # Function to initialize the spo object # ----------------------------------------------------- # The 'add_' functions below are used to fill the arrays with information. # def __init__(self): """Initialize the SPEX spectrum object.""" # Initialize spo filename self.sponame = '' self.empty = True # Initialize the 'SPEX_REGIONS' table self.nregion = 0 self.nchan = np.array([], dtype=int) # Initialize the 'SPEX_SPECTRUM' table self.echan1 = np.array([], dtype=float) self.echan2 = np.array([], dtype=float) self.tints = np.array([], dtype=float) self.ochan = np.array([], dtype=float) self.dochan = np.array([], dtype=float) self.mbchan = np.array([], dtype=float) self.dbchan = np.array([], dtype=float) self.brat = np.array([], dtype=float) self.ssys = np.array([], dtype=float) self.bsys = np.array([], dtype=float) self.used = np.array([], dtype=bool) self.first = np.array([], dtype=bool) self.last = np.array([], dtype=bool) # New feature since SPEX 3.05.00 self.brat_exist = True # Does the channel order need to be swapped? self.swap = False # Create a dictionary with array names self.anames = {'echan1': 'Lower_Energy', 'echan2': 'Upper_Energy', 'tints': 'Exposure_Time', 'ochan': 'Source_Rate', 'dochan': 'Err_Source_Rate', 'mbchan': 'Back_Rate', 'dbchan': 'Err_Back_Rate', 'brat': 'Exp_Rate', 'ssys': 'Sys_Source', 'bsys': 'Sys_Back', 'used': 'Used', 'first': 'First', 'last': 'Last'} # Mask arrays for region selection self.mask_region = np.array([], dtype=bool) self.mask_spectrum = np.array([], dtype=bool) # ----------------------------------------------------- # Create a spo with zeros and size nchan # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def zero_spo(self, nchan): """Creates empty arrays of size nchan. :param nchan: Number of channels to create. :type nchan: int """ self.echan1 = np.zeros(nchan, dtype=float) self.echan2 = np.zeros(nchan, dtype=float) self.tints = np.zeros(nchan, dtype=float) self.ochan = np.zeros(nchan, dtype=float) self.dochan = np.zeros(nchan, dtype=float) self.mbchan = np.zeros(nchan, dtype=float) self.dbchan = np.zeros(nchan, dtype=float) self.brat = np.zeros(nchan, dtype=float) self.ssys = np.zeros(nchan, dtype=float) self.bsys = np.zeros(nchan, dtype=float) self.used = np.ones(nchan, dtype=bool) self.first = np.ones(nchan, dtype=bool) self.last = np.ones(nchan, dtype=bool)
# ----------------------------------------------------- # Functions to add spectra to the spo file # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def add_spo_region(self, origspo, iregion=1): """Function to add spectrum regions to a spo file. :param origspo: Spo object to import region from. :type origspo: :param iregion: Region number to select from spo object. :type iregion: int """ stat = origspo.get_mask(iregion) if stat != 0: print("Error: Cannot select region.") return -1 mask = origspo.mask_region self.nchan = np.append(self.nchan, origspo.nchan[mask]) mask = origspo.mask_spectrum self.echan1 = np.append(self.echan1, origspo.echan1[mask]) self.echan2 = np.append(self.echan2, origspo.echan2[mask]) self.tints = np.append(self.tints, origspo.tints[mask]) self.ochan = np.append(self.ochan, origspo.ochan[mask]) self.dochan = np.append(self.dochan, origspo.dochan[mask]) self.mbchan = np.append(self.mbchan, origspo.mbchan[mask]) self.dbchan = np.append(self.dbchan, origspo.dbchan[mask]) self.brat = np.append(self.brat, origspo.brat[mask]) self.ssys = np.append(self.ssys, origspo.ssys[mask]) self.bsys = np.append(self.bsys, origspo.bsys[mask]) self.used = np.append(self.used, origspo.used[mask]) self.first = np.append(self.first, origspo.first[mask]) self.last = np.append(self.last, origspo.last[mask]) self.empty = False
# ----------------------------------------------------- # Function to remove a region from a spectrum # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def del_spo_region(self, iregion): """Remove spectrum from region with number 'iregion' :param iregion: Region number to delete from spo object. :type iregion: int """ stat = self.get_mask(iregion) if stat != 0: print("Error: Cannot select region.") return -1 mask = np.invert(self.mask_region) self.nchan = self.nchan[mask] mask = np.invert(self.mask_spectrum) self.echan1 = self.echan1[mask] self.echan2 = self.echan2[mask] self.tints = self.tints[mask] self.ochan = self.ochan[mask] self.dochan = self.dochan[mask] self.mbchan = self.mbchan[mask] self.dbchan = self.dbchan[mask] self.brat = self.brat[mask] self.ssys = self.ssys[mask] self.bsys = self.bsys[mask] self.used = self.used[mask] self.first = self.first[mask] self.last = self.last[mask] self.nregion = self.nregion - 1 if self.nregion == 0: self.empty = True
# ----------------------------------------------------- # Function to read spectrum from a .spo file # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def read_file(self, spofile): """ Function to read a spectrum from a .spo file. :param spofile: File name of .spo file. :type spofile: str """ # The filename is saved in the data object for reference. self.sponame = spofile # Open the .spo file with and open the table and header # information in the SPEX_REGIONS extension in the FITS file. spofile = table = spofile['SPEX_REGIONS'].data header = spofile['SPEX_REGIONS'].header # Read the number of regions in the .spo file # (equal to the number of spectra) self.nregion = header['NAXIS2'] # The SPEX_REGIONS table in the spo file contains the number of channels for # each spectrum. Here, we append the table from the spo file to the nchan # array to save these numbers in the object self.nchan = np.append(self.nchan, table['NCHAN']) # Now, we open the SPEX_SPECTRUM extension in the .spo file # which contains the actual spectra. table = spofile['SPEX_SPECTRUM'].data cols = spofile['SPEX_SPECTRUM'].columns # Copy all the table columns self.echan1 = table['Lower_Energy'] self.echan2 = table['Upper_Energy'] self.tints = table['Exposure_Time'] self.ochan = table['Source_Rate'] self.dochan = table['Err_Source_Rate'] self.mbchan = table['Back_Rate'] self.dbchan = table['Err_Back_Rate'] self.ssys = table['Sys_Source'] self.bsys = table['Sys_Back'] self.used = table['Used'] self.first = table['First'] self.last = table['Last'] for col in cols.names: if col == "Exp_Rate": self.brat = table['Exp_Rate'] self.brat_exist = True else: self.brat_exist = False if not self.brat_exist: self.brat = np.ones(self.ochan.size, dtype=float) # Close the .spo file spofile.close() self.empty = False
# ----------------------------------------------------- # Function to return one spectrum for one region # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def return_region(self, iregion): """Function to return a spo object with containing the spectrum of the region with number 'iregion'. :param iregion: Region number to return. :type iregion: int """ stat = self.get_mask(iregion) if stat != 0: print("Error: Cannot select region.") return -1 # Check if object is empty if self.empty: print("Error: Response object empty.") return -1 sporeg = Spo() mask = self.mask_region sporeg.nchan = self.nchan[mask] mask = self.mask_spectrum sporeg.echan1 = self.echan1[mask] sporeg.echan2 = self.echan2[mask] sporeg.tints = self.tints[mask] sporeg.ochan = self.ochan[mask] sporeg.dochan = self.dochan[mask] sporeg.mbchan = self.mbchan[mask] sporeg.dbchan = self.dbchan[mask] sporeg.brat = self.brat[mask] sporeg.ssys = self.ssys[mask] sporeg.bsys = self.bsys[mask] sporeg.used = self.used[mask] sporeg.first = self.first[mask] sporeg.last = self.last[mask] sporeg.sponame = self.sponame sporeg.empty = False sporeg.check() return sporeg
# ----------------------------------------------------- # Function to write all spectra to a .spo file # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def write_file(self, sponame, exp_rate=True, overwrite=False, history=None): """Function to write the spectrum to a .spo file with the name 'sponame'. The exp_rate flag determines whether the Exp_Rate column is added containing the ratio between the backscales of the source and background spectra. This column can only be read by SPEX >=3.05.00. :param sponame: File name of the .spo file to write. :type sponame: str :param exp_rate: Create an Ext_rate column (yes/no)? :type exp_rate: bool :param overwrite: Overwrite existing files (yes/no)? :type overwrite: bool :param history: History strings to be added to the file. :type history: str """ # First check whether object is complete and consistent good = self.check() if good == -1: print("Error: Object is not internally consistent!") print("Check the object structure.") return -1 # Create a primary header prihdr = fits.Header() prihdr['CREATOR'] = 'pyspextools python module' prihdr['ORIGIN'] = 'SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research' now = prihdr['HISTORY'] = "Created on: {0}".format(str(now)) if history is not None: for line in history: prihdr['HISTORY'] = line prihdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=prihdr) # Create the SPEX_REGIONS extension col1 = fits.Column(name='NCHAN', format='1J', array=self.nchan) cols = fits.ColDefs([col1]) tb_regions = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols) tb_regions.header['EXTNAME'] = 'SPEX_REGIONS' # Then create the SPEX_SPECTRUM extension col1 = fits.Column(name='Lower_Energy', format='1D', unit='keV', array=self.echan1) col2 = fits.Column(name='Upper_Energy', format='1D', unit='keV', array=self.echan2) col3 = fits.Column(name='Exposure_Time', format='1D', unit='s', array=self.tints) col4 = fits.Column(name='Source_Rate', format='1D', unit='c/s', array=self.ochan) col5 = fits.Column(name='Err_Source_Rate', format='1D', unit='c/s', array=self.dochan) col6 = fits.Column(name='Back_Rate', format='1D', unit='c/s', array=self.mbchan) col7 = fits.Column(name='Err_Back_Rate', format='1D', unit='c/s', array=self.dbchan) if exp_rate: col8 = fits.Column(name='Exp_Rate', format='1D', unit='', array=self.brat) col9 = fits.Column(name='Sys_Source', format='1D', unit='', array=self.ssys) col10 = fits.Column(name='Sys_Back', format='1D', unit='', array=self.bsys) col11 = fits.Column(name='First', format='1L', unit='', array=self.first) col12 = fits.Column(name='Last', format='1L', unit='', array=self.last) col13 = fits.Column(name='Used', format='1L', unit='', array=self.used) cols = fits.ColDefs([col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8, col9, col10, col11, col12, col13]) else: col8 = fits.Column(name='Sys_Source', format='1D', unit='', array=self.ssys) col9 = fits.Column(name='Sys_Back', format='1D', unit='', array=self.bsys) col10 = fits.Column(name='First', format='1L', unit='', array=self.first) col11 = fits.Column(name='Last', format='1L', unit='', array=self.last) col12 = fits.Column(name='Used', format='1L', unit='', array=self.used) cols = fits.ColDefs([col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8, col9, col10, col11, col12]) tb_spectrum = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols) tb_spectrum.header['EXTNAME'] = 'SPEX_SPECTRUM' # Combine the extentions into one list thdulist = fits.HDUList([prihdu, tb_regions, tb_spectrum]) # Write hdulist to file try: thdulist.writeto(sponame, overwrite=overwrite) except IOError: print("Error: File {0} already exists. I will not overwrite it!".format(sponame)) return 1 return 0
# ----------------------------------------------------- # Swap/Flip arrays between energy or wavelength order # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def swap_order(self): """Swap the channel order of the spectrum between wavelength or energy order. This is for example helpful for grating spectra, which are originally stored in wavelength order but must be flipped to energy order in SPEX format. """ # Loop over columns in SPO object and swap/flip arrays for var in self.anames.keys(): if hasattr(self, var): inarr = getattr(self, var) setattr(self, var, np.flip(inarr, 0))
# ----------------------------------------------------- # Sanity check whether object is complete and consistent # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def check(self): """Perform several checks whether the information in the spectrum is consistent. """ # Check if nchan is numpy array if not isinstance(self.nchan, np.ndarray): print("Error: NCHAN is not a numpy array.") return -1 # Check if all the columns have the right length total = np.sum(self.nchan) for name in self.anames.keys(): array = getattr(self, name) if array.size != total: print("Error: " + self.anames[name] + " array length not consistent!") print("According to nchan the length should be: {0}".format(total)) print("The actual array length is: {0}".format(array.size)) return -1 # Check the arrays for consistency for ireg in np.arange(self.nregion): fchan = sum(self.nchan[0:ireg]) - self.nchan[ireg] for ichan in np.arange(self.nchan[ireg]) + fchan: if self.echan2[ichan] <= self.echan1[ichan]: message.error("Bin number {0} in spectrum region {1} " "does not have a positive width.".format(ichan-fchan+1, ireg+1)) return -1 if self.echan1[ichan] < 0.0: message.error("Bin number {0} in spectrum region {1} " "has a negative lower limit.".format(ichan-fchan+1, ireg+1)) return -1 if self.dochan[ichan] < 0.0: message.error("Bin number {0} in spectrum region {1} " "has a negative error.".format(ichan-fchan+1, ireg+1)) return -1 if self.ssys[ichan] < 0.0: message.error("Bin number {0} in spectrum region {1} " "has a negative systematic error.".format(ichan-fchan+1, ireg+1)) return -1 if self.bsys[ichan] < 0.0: message.error("Bin number {0} in spectrum region {1} " "has a negative background systematic error.".format(ichan-fchan+1, ireg+1)) return -1 if self.tints[ichan] < 0.0: message.error("Bin number {0} in spectrum region {1} " "has a negative exposure time.".format(ichan-fchan+1, ireg+1)) return -1 return 0
# ----------------------------------------------------- # Function to check the spo file name for correct extension # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def check_filename(self, filename): """Check if the output filename has the correct .spo extension. The method returns a correct file name. :param filename: File name to check. :type filename: str """ sponame, spo_extension = os.path.splitext(filename) if spo_extension != ".spo": message.warning("Output filename does not have the correct .spo extension.") print("Renaming file to end with '.spo'.") print("") spofile = sponame + '.spo' else: spofile = filename return spofile
# ----------------------------------------------------- # Create a mask for a spo region selection # # Since a spo file lists all the spectra in a single # table, we must find the rows where a particular # spectrum or region begins and ends. # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_mask(self, iregion): """Create a mask to select spectral information for one region only. :param iregion: Region number to create mask for. :type iregion: int """ # Python counts from 0, so create adequate counter ireg = iregion - 1 # Check if iregion is in an allowed range if (iregion >= self.nregion) and (iregion < 1): print("Error: Requested region not available.") return -1 # Mark region in SPEX_REGION extension self.mask_region = np.full(len(self.nchan), False, dtype=bool) self.mask_region[ireg] = True # Select region in SPEX SPECTRUM table self.mask_spectrum = np.full(len(self.echan1), False, dtype=bool) # Initialize first and last row frow = 0 lrow = 0 # Count the channels for i in np.arange(iregion): frow = lrow lrow = lrow + self.nchan[i] self.mask_spectrum[frow:lrow] = True return 0
# ----------------------------------------------------- # Show a summary of the spo file, similar to data show in SPEX # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def show(self, iregion=1): """Show some basic properties of the spectrum. :param iregion: Region number to show. :type iregion: int """ tspo = self.return_region(iregion) print(" Original spo file : {0}".format(tspo.sponame)) print(" Number of data channels : {0}".format(tspo.nchan[0])) print(" Data energy range : {0:.2f} - {1:.2f} keV".format(np.min(tspo.echan1), np.max(tspo.echan2))) print(" Exposure time mean : {0:.2f} s".format(np.mean(tspo.tints)))