Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import numpy as np
import pyspextools.messages as message

from .region import Region
from .res import Res
from .spo import Spo
from .pha2 import Pha2
from .pha import Pha
from .rmf import Rmf
from .arf import Arf
from .convert import rmf_to_res
from .convert import pha_to_spo

[docs]class TGRegion(Region): """The TGRegion class contains methods to read Chandra grating data into the pyspextools module and convert these to spo and res format objects. :ivar grating: Grating name. :vartype grating: str """ def __init__(self): Region.__init__(self) self.grating = '' # Grating name # ----------------------------------------------------- # Read a set of Chandra grating files into a region # -----------------------------------------------------
[docs] def read_region(self, pha2file, rmflist, arflist, grating, bkgsubtract=True): """Add a Chandra spectrum and response to a SPEX region. The pha2 file and the rmf and arf file lists are mandatory. The grating option can be either HETG, METG or LETG. :param pha2file: PHA2 file name to read. :type pha2file: str :param rmflist: List of RMF response files. :type rmflist: list :param arflist: List of ARF effective area files. :type arflist: list :param grating: Grating name. :type grating: str :param bkgsubtract: Subtract the background? :type bkgsubtract: bool """ self.grating = grating # Read the PHA2 file for a particular grating (src, bkg) = self.__read_pha2(pha2file, grating, bkgsubtract=bkgsubtract) if not isinstance(src, Pha): message.error("Failed to read spectrum file.") return 1 # Convert the PHA2 file to spo rmf = Rmf()[0]) self.spo = pha_to_spo(src, rmf, back=bkg) if not isinstance(self.spo, Spo): message.error("Failed to convert spectrum file.") return 1 # Convert the responses to res self.res = self.__rmflist_to_res(rmflist, arflist) if not isinstance(self.res, Res): message.error("Failed to combine and convert response files.") return 1 self.label = grating return 0
def __read_pha2(self, pha2file, grating, bkgsubtract=True): """Method to read a PHA type II file. :param pha2file: PHA type II file name to read. :type pha2file: str :param grating: Name of the grating to read (HETG, METG or LETG). :type grating: str :param bkgsubtract: Subtract the background? :type bkgsubtract: bool """ # Initialize PHA2 file type spec = Pha2() # Is the source spectrum there? message.proc_start("Read source spectrum") if os.path.isfile(pha2file): stat =, background=bkgsubtract) if stat != 0: message.proc_end(stat) message.error("Failed to read source spectrum.") return 1 else: message.proc_end(stat) else: message.proc_end(1) message.error("Spectrum file {0} not found in path.".format(pha2file)) return 1 # Convert grating name to number if grating == 'HETG': ngrating = 1 elif grating == 'METG': ngrating = 2 elif grating == 'LETG': ngrating = 3 else: message.error("Unsupported grating: '{0}'.".format(grating)) return 1 # Combine spectra from a single grating message.proc_start("Combining orders of the spectrum") (src, bkg) = spec.combine_orders(ngrating) if isinstance(src, Pha) and isinstance(bkg, Pha): message.proc_end(0) else: message.proc_end(1) return 1 return src, bkg # ----------------------------------------------------- # Return a res object derived from Chandra grating data # ----------------------------------------------------- def __rmflist_to_res(self, rmflist, arflist): """Convert a list of compatible rmf and arf file into one res file. This is convenient for combining responses that are provided separately, like the Transmission Grating spectra from Chandra. :param rmflist: List of RMF file names. :type rmflist: list :param arflist: List of ARF file names. :type arflist: list """ if len(rmflist) != len(arflist): message.error("ARF list and RMF list do not have the same length.") return 0 rmfobjs = np.zeros(len(rmflist), dtype=object) arfobjs = np.zeros(len(arflist), dtype=object) rmf_orders = np.zeros(len(rmflist), dtype=int) arf_orders = np.zeros(len(arflist), dtype=int) i = 0 for file in rmflist: message.proc_start("Reading response for order") rmf = Rmf() rmf_orders[i] = rmf.matrix[0].Order print(str(rmf_orders[i])+" ", end='') if len(np.where(rmf_orders == rmf.matrix[0].Order)) != 1: message.error("There are two response files with the same order.") message.proc_end(1) return 1 else: rmfobjs[i] = rmf message.proc_end(0) i = i + 1 i = 0 for file in arflist: message.proc_start("Reading effective area for order") arf = Arf() arf_orders[i] = arf.Order print(str(arf_orders[i])+" ", end='') if len(np.where(arf_orders == arf.Order)) != 1: message.error("There are two effective area files for the same order.") message.proc_end(1) return 1 else: arfobjs[i] = arf message.proc_end(0) i = i + 1 arfsort = np.argsort(arf_orders) rmfsort = np.argsort(rmf_orders) # Calculate first response: res = rmf_to_res(rmfobjs[rmfsort[0]], arf=arfobjs[arfsort[0]]) # Append the components from the other responses for i in np.arange(len(rmfsort)-1)+1: restmp = rmf_to_res(rmfobjs[rmfsort[i]], arf=arfobjs[arfsort[i]]) res.append_component(restmp) return res