.. _apec-example: .. highlight:: none APEC interface for SPEX ========================= This example program creates an interface between ATOMDB/APEC and the SPEX user model. Using this program, the APEC model can be used within SPEX. Dependencies ------------ Before you start, make sure the following things are installed or set: - Install numpy - Install pyspextools (pip install pyspextools) - Install pyatomdb (pip install pyatomdb) and import this into python once before use to install ATOMDB. - Set the ATOMDB environment variable to your local ATOMDB installation (see also the ATOMDB installation instructions):: linux:~> export ATOMDB=/path/to/my/atomdb (bash shell) linux:~> setenv ATOMDB /path/to/my/atomdb (c shell) For more information about installing ATOMDB and pyatomdb see `atomdb.org `_ .. note:: pyATOMDB only supports Python 3 from version 0.6.0 onwards. If you are using Python 2, you need to install an older pyATOMDB version. .. note:: This example apec.py script has been updated to work with pyATOMDB 0.8.0 and above. Usage ----- Use this program directly in the SPEX user model. Make the apec.py file executable before you start SPEX:: linux:~> chmod u+x apec.py If the apec.py is located in the working directory, it can be added to the user model easily:: SPEX> par 1 1 exec av ./apec.py If apec.py is located somewhere else, provide the full path:: SPEX> par 1 1 exec av /path/to/apec.py The ATOMDB environment variable needs to be set to the ATOMDB installation at all times. Please note that by default, ATOMDB uses solar abundances by Anders & Grevesse (1989). The SPEX user model also needs the number of parameters in the model. For APEC this needs to be set to 30:: SPEX> par 1 1 npar v 30 The APEC model is now ready for use. See the table below for the parameter information. Parameters ---------- User model parameter translation table: +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |Param |Variable |Corresponding value and unit | |in |in | | |SPEX |script | | +======+===============+=========================================+ |p01 | usr.par[0] |Normalisation (Photons m^-3 s^-1 keV^-1) | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p02 | usr.par[1] |Temperature (keV) | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p03 | usr.par[2] | | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p04 | usr.par[3] | | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p05 | usr.par[4] | | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p06 | usr.par[5] |06 C | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p07 | usr.par[6] |07 N | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p08 | usr.par[7] |08 O | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p09 | usr.par[8] |09 F | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p10 | usr.par[9] |10 Ne | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p11 | usr.par[10] |11 Na | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p12 | usr.par[11] |12 Mg | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p13 | usr.par[12] |13 Al | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p14 | usr.par[13] |14 Si | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p15 | usr.par[14] |15 P | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p16 | usr.par[15] |16 S | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p17 | usr.par[16] |17 Cl | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p18 | usr.par[17] |18 Ar | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p19 | usr.par[18] |19 K | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p20 | usr.par[19] |20 Ca | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p21 | usr.par[20] |21 Sc | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p22 | usr.par[21] |22 Ti | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p23 | usr.par[22] |23 V | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p24 | usr.par[23] |24 Cr | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p25 | usr.par[24] |25 Mn | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p26 | usr.par[25] |26 Fe | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p27 | usr.par[26] |27 Co | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p28 | usr.par[27] |28 Ni | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p29 | usr.par[28] |29 Cu | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+ |p30 | usr.par[29] |30 Zn | +------+---------------+-----------------------------------------+