TG2Spex - Convert Chandra grating data

Tg2spex is a script to convert spectra from Chandra grating observations to SPEX format. Tg2spex works with input flags from the command line. The ‘-h’ flag shows the help of the tg2spex command:

linux:~> tg2spex -h

A full overview of the arguments is given below in the section Command-line arguments.


Tg2spex detects the standard file names in a directory, so providing the path to the directory should be enough. In addition, flags can be provided to, for example, overwrite existing spo and res files:

linux:~> tg2spex --overwrite /data/user/tgcat/obs_11387_tgid_3191
 This is tg2spex version 0.2.1

Read source spectrum... OK
Detected grating: Chandra LEG.
Combining orders of the spectra... OK
Convert to spo and write spo file... OK
Reading response for order... -1  OK
Reading response for order... -2  OK
Reading response for order... -3  OK
Reading response for order... -4  OK
Reading response for order... -5  OK
Reading response for order... -6  OK
Reading response for order... -7  OK
Reading response for order... -8  OK
Reading response for order... 1  OK
Reading response for order... 2  OK
Reading response for order... 3  OK
Reading response for order... 4  OK
Reading response for order... 5  OK
Reading response for order... 6  OK
Reading response for order... 7  OK
Reading response for order... 8  OK
Reading effective area for order... -1  OK
Reading effective area for order... -2  OK
Reading effective area for order... -3  OK
Reading effective area for order... -4  OK
Reading effective area for order... -5  OK
Reading effective area for order... -6  OK
Reading effective area for order... -7  OK
Reading effective area for order... -8  OK
Reading effective area for order... 1  OK
Reading effective area for order... 2  OK
Reading effective area for order... 3  OK
Reading effective area for order... 4  OK
Reading effective area for order... 5  OK
Reading effective area for order... 6  OK
Reading effective area for order... 7  OK
Reading effective area for order... 8  OK
Write combined res file... OK

In this example, the directory contains a Chandra LETG spectrum with 16 orders. In the first step the spectra from the pha2 file are combined and saved. After that, the responses and effective areas are read in and combined into a single leg.spo and leg.res.

Command-line arguments

See full documentation at:

usage: tg2spex [-h] [--input-prefix INPUT_PREFIX] [--output-prefix OUTPUT_PREFIX] [--no-bkgsubtract] [--keep-badchannels] [--overwrite]
               [--no-exprate] [--no-color] [--version]

Positional Arguments


Path to the observation directory where the pha2, arfs and rmfs are.

Named Arguments


Input filename prefix (example: ‘hrcf04149_repro_’).

Default: “”


Output filename prefix (names the output to ‘prefix’leg.spo/res

Default: “”


Substract the background spectrum.

Default: True


Do not remove bad channels.

Default: True


Overwrite existing spo and res files with same name.

Default: True


Do not write additional Exp_Rate column (SPEX <=3.04.00).

Default: True


Suppress color output.

Default: True


show program’s version number and exit