Source code for pyspex.model

#!/usr/bin/env python

from . import pyspex_f2py
from .utils import Elements
import os
import numpy
from astropy.table import QTable
from astropy import units as u

[docs]class Model: """Top class containing the entire model, containing all sectors and components. :ivar nsector: Number of sectors in this model :vartype nsector: int :ivar sect: List of sector objects :vartype sect: list """ def __init__(self): self.nsector = 0 # Number of sectors in this model self.sect = [] # List of sector objects self.update()
[docs] def update(self): """Obtain the Sectors from SPEX.""" pyspex_f2py.api_model_sector.api_sector_update() self.nsector = int(pyspex_f2py.api_model_sector.sect_nsector) self.sect = [] for i in numpy.arange(self.nsector): s = Sector() s.update(i+1) self.sect.append(s)
# Sector commands
[docs] def sector_new(self): """Create a new sector.""" ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_sector.api_sector_new() self.update() return ier
[docs] def sector_copy(self, isect): """Copy an existing sector to a new one. :param isect: Sector number to copy. :type isect: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_sector.api_sector_copy(float(isect)) self.update() return ier
[docs] def sector_delete(self, isect): """Delete an existing sector. :param isect: Sector number to delete. :type isect: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_sector.api_sector_delete(float(isect)) self.update() return ier
# Component commands
[docs] def comp_new(self, name, isect=1): """Add new component to the model. By default in sector 1. :param name: Name of the model component, for example 'reds', 'hot', 'cie', etc. :type name: str :param isect: Sector number to add component to (default is sector 1). :type isect: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_component.api_comp_new(name, isect=float(isect)) if ier == 0: self.update() return ier
[docs] def comp_delete(self, isect, icomp): """Delete component from sector. :param isect: Sector number of the component to delete. :type isect: int :param icomp: Component number to delete. :type icomp: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_component.api_comp_delete(float(isect), float(icomp)) if ier == 0: self.update() return ier
[docs] def comp_set_rel(self, isect, icomp, rel): """Set component relation. :param isect: Sector number of the component to relate. :type isect: int :param icomp: Component number to relate. :type icomp: int :param rel: Array containing the multiplicative component numbers counted from the source to the observer. :type rel: numpy.ndarray """ nrel = rel.size ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_component.api_comp_set_rel(float(isect), float(icomp), rel, float(nrel)) if ier == 0: self.update() return ier
# Parameter commands
[docs] def par_set(self, isect, icomp, name, value, thawn=False): """Set parameter to value and optionally indicate thawn or frozen status. :param isect: Sector number of the parameter. :type isect: int :param icomp: Component number of the parameter. :type icomp: int :param name: Parameter name. :type name: str :param value: New value of the parameter. :type value: float :param thawn: (Optional) Should the parameter be free (True) or frozen (False). :type thawn: bool """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_parameter.api_par_set(float(isect), float(icomp), name, value, thawn=thawn) if ier == 0: self.sect[isect-1].comp[icomp-1].update(isect, icomp) return ier
[docs] def par_aset(self, isect, icomp, name, value): """Set a text type parameter value. :param isect: Sector number of the parameter. :type isect: int :param icomp: Component number of the parameter. :type icomp: int :param name: Parameter name. :type name: str :param value: New value of the parameter. :type value: str """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_parameter.api_par_aset(float(isect), float(icomp), name, value) if ier == 0: self.sect[isect-1].comp[icomp-1].update(isect, icomp) return ier
[docs] def par_fix(self, isect, icomp, name): """Fix a parameter in the fit. :param isect: Sector number of the parameter. :type isect: int :param icomp: Component number of the parameter. :type icomp: int :param name: Parameter name. :type name: str """ cmd = 'par {:d} {:d} {:s} status frozen'.format(isect, icomp, name) ier = pyspex_f2py.api_command(cmd) if ier == 0: self.sect[isect-1].comp[icomp-1].update(isect, icomp) return ier
[docs] def par_free(self, isect, icomp, name): """Free a parameter in the fit. :param isect: Sector number of the parameter. :type isect: int :param icomp: Component number of the parameter. :type icomp: int :param name: Parameter name. :type name: str """ cmd = 'par {:d} {:d} {:s} status thawn'.format(isect, icomp, name) ier = pyspex_f2py.api_command(cmd) if ier == 0: self.sect[isect-1].comp[icomp-1].update(isect, icomp) return ier
[docs] def par_set_range(self, isect, icomp, name, rlow, rupp): """Set the fit range for a parameter. :param isect: Sector number of the parameter. :type isect: int :param icomp: Component number of the parameter. :type icomp: int :param name: Parameter name. :type name: str :param rlow: Lower limit of the parameter range. :type rlow: float :param rupp: Upper limit of the parameter range. :type rupp: float """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_parameter.api_par_set_range(float(isect), float(icomp), name, rlow, rupp) if ier == 0: self.sect[isect-1].comp[icomp-1].update(isect, icomp) return ier
[docs] def par_get(self, isect, icomp, name): """Get the parameter object for sector isect, component icomp and parameter with name. :param isect: Sector number of the parameter. :type isect: int :param icomp: Component number of the parameter. :type icomp: int :param name: Name of the parameter :type name: str :rtype: model.Parameter """ found = False for k in numpy.arange(self.sect[isect-1].comp[icomp-1].npar): if self.sect[isect-1].comp[icomp-1].par[k].name == name: parout = self.sect[isect-1].comp[icomp-1].par[k] found = True if not found: print("Name not found in component.") return return parout
[docs] def par_couple(self, isect, icomp, iname, csect, ccomp, cname, factor): """Couple parameter (iname) to another parameter with cname, with a coupling factor. :param isect: Sector number of the parameter. :type isect: int :param icomp: Component number of the parameter. :type icomp: int :param iname: Parameter name. :type iname: str :param csect: Sector number of the parameter to couple to. :type csect: int :param ccomp: Component number of the parameter to couple to. :type ccomp: int :param cname: Parameter name of the parameter to couple to. :type cname: str :param factor: Multiplication factor (value(name) = factor * value(cname)). :type factor: float """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_parameter.api_par_couple(float(isect), float(icomp), iname, float(csect), float(ccomp), cname, factor) if ier == 0: self.sect[isect-1].comp[icomp-1].update(isect, icomp) return ier
[docs] def par_decouple(self, isect, icomp, iname): """Decouple parameter. :param isect: Sector number of the parameter. :type isect: int :param icomp: Component number of the parameter. :type icomp: int :param iname: Parameter name. :type iname: str """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_parameter.api_par_decouple(float(isect), float(icomp), iname) if ier == 0: self.sect[isect-1].comp[icomp-1].update(isect, icomp) return ier
[docs] def par_norm_set(self, ins, reg, value, status): """Set the instrument normalisation for an instrument number and region number. :param ins: Instrument number. :type ins: int :param reg: Region number. :type reg: int :param value: New value of the instrument normalisation. :type value: float :param status: (Optional) Should the parameter be free (True) or frozen (False). :type status: bool """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_instnorm.api_norm_set(ins, reg, value, status) return ier
[docs] def par_norm_get(self, ins, reg): """Get the instrument normalisation for instrument ins and region reg. :param ins: Instrument number. :type ins: int :param reg: Region number. :type reg: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_instnorm.api_norm_get(ins, reg) return float(pyspex_f2py.api_model_instnorm.norm_renorm), bool(pyspex_f2py.api_model_instnorm.norm_free)
[docs] def par_show_classic(self, option=''): """Display parameter overview in terminal through the Fortran interface. :param option: Select which information should be shown (free/couple/flux/stat/corr/all) :type option: str """ if option == 'free': pyspex_f2py.api_command('par show free') elif option == 'couple': pyspex_f2py.api_command('par show couple') elif option == 'flux': pyspex_f2py.api_command('par show flux') elif option == 'stat': pyspex_f2py.api_command('par show stat') elif option == 'corr': pyspex_f2py.api_command('par show corr') elif option == 'all': pyspex_f2py.api_command('par show all') else: pyspex_f2py.api_command('par show') return
[docs] def par_show(self, option=''): """Display parameter overview through the Python interface. :param option: Select which information should be shown (free/couple/flux/stat/corr/all) :type option: str """ if option == 'free': self.par_show_free() self.par_show_flux() elif option == 'couple': self.par_show_couple() elif option == 'all': self.par_show_param() self.par_show_couple() self.par_show_flux() else: self.par_show_param() self.par_show_flux() return
[docs] def par_show_param(self): """Display the parameters through the Python interface and create Astropy table. :return: par_show_table :rtype par_show_table: astropy.table.QTable """ print("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("sect comp mod acro parameter with unit value status minimum maximum lsec lcom lpar") rows = [] for isect in numpy.arange(self.nsector): csect = self.sect[isect] print("") for icomp in numpy.arange(csect.ncomp): ccomp = csect.comp[icomp] for ipar in numpy.arange(ccomp.npar): cpar = ccomp.par[ipar] # Format the thawn or frozen text if stat = 'thawn' else: stat = 'frozen' # Set the link data if parameter is linked: if cpar.linked: link = "{0:4d} {1:4d} {2:4d}".format(cpar.link_sector, cpar.link_comp, cpar.link_par) else: link = '' if cpar.type == 'text': print("{0:4d} {1:4d} {2:4s} {3:4s} {4:20s} {5:64s}" "".format(csect.index, ccomp.index,,, cpar.desc, cpar.text)) rows.append((csect.index, ccomp.index,,, cpar.desc, 0., cpar.text, "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) else: print("{0:4d} {1:4d} {2:4s} {3:4s} {4:20s} {5:#11.6G} {6:6s} {7:#7.2G} {8:#7.2G} {9:10s}" "".format(csect.index, ccomp.index,,, cpar.desc, cpar.value, stat, cpar.low, cpar.upp, link)) rows.append((csect.index, ccomp.index,,, cpar.desc, cpar.value, "", stat, cpar.low, cpar.upp, cpar.link_sector, cpar.link_comp, cpar.link_par)) print("") print("") par_show_table = QTable(rows=rows, names=['Sect', 'Comp', 'Model', 'Acro', 'Par', 'Value', 'AValue', 'Status', 'Min', 'Max', 'Link_sect', 'Link_comp', 'Link_par'], meta={'name': 'Par show'}) return par_show_table
[docs] def par_show_free(self): """Display the free parameters through the Python interface. :return: par_show_table :rtype par_show_table: astropy.table.QTable """ print("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("sect comp mod acro parameter with unit value status minimum maximum lsec lcom lpar") rows = [] for isect in numpy.arange(self.nsector): csect = self.sect[isect] print("") for icomp in numpy.arange(csect.ncomp): ccomp = csect.comp[icomp] for ipar in numpy.arange(ccomp.npar): cpar = ccomp.par[ipar] # Format the thawn or frozen text if stat = 'thawn' # Set the link data if parameter is linked: if cpar.linked: link = "{0:4d} {1:4d} {2:4d}".format(cpar.link_sector, cpar.link_comp, cpar.link_par) else: link = '' if cpar.type == 'text': print("{0:4d} {1:4d} {2:4s} {3:4s} {4:20s} {5:64s}" "".format(csect.index, ccomp.index,,, cpar.desc, cpar.text)) rows.append((csect.index, ccomp.index,,, cpar.desc, 0., cpar.text, "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) else: print("{0:4d} {1:4d} {2:4s} {3:4s} {4:20s} {5:#11.6G} {6:6s} {7:#7.2G} {8:#7.2G} " "{9:10s}".format(csect.index, ccomp.index,,, cpar.desc, cpar.value, stat, cpar.low, cpar.upp, link)) rows.append((csect.index, ccomp.index,,, cpar.desc, cpar.value, "", stat, cpar.low, cpar.upp, cpar.link_sector, cpar.link_comp, cpar.link_par)) print("") print("") par_show_table = QTable(rows=rows, names=['Sect', 'Comp', 'Model', 'Acro', 'Par', 'Value', 'AValue', 'Status', 'Min', 'Max', 'Link_sect', 'Link_comp', 'Link_par'], meta={'name': 'Par show free'}) return par_show_table
[docs] def par_show_couple(self): """Display the coupled parameters through the Python interface and as Astropy table. :return: par_show_table :rtype par_show_table: astropy.table.QTable """ print("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("Coupled parameter | coupling |Parameter on which it depends") print("sect comp mod para | factor |sect comp mod para") rows = [] for isect in numpy.arange(self.nsector): csect = self.sect[isect] print("") for icomp in numpy.arange(csect.ncomp): ccomp = csect.comp[icomp] for ipar in numpy.arange(ccomp.npar): cpar = ccomp.par[ipar] # Set the link data if parameter is linked: if cpar.linked: print("{0:4d} {1:4d} {2:4s} {3:4s} | {4:#11.6G} |{5:4d} {6:4d} {7:4s} {8:4s}" "".format(csect.index, ccomp.index,,, cpar.coupling, cpar.link_sector, cpar.link_comp,, self.sect[cpar.link_sector-1].comp[cpar.link_comp-1].par[cpar.link_par-1].name)) rows.append((csect.index, ccomp.index,,, cpar.coupling, cpar.link_sector, cpar.link_comp,, self.sect[cpar.link_sector-1].comp[cpar.link_comp-1].par[cpar.link_par-1].name)) print("") if rows != []: par_show_table = QTable(rows=rows, names=['Sect', 'Comp', 'Model', 'Acro', 'Factor', 'CSect', 'CComp', 'CModel', 'CAcro'], meta={'name': 'Par show couple'}) else: return None return par_show_table
[docs] def par_show_flux(self): """Display the flux information of the model components. :return: par_show_table :rtype par_show_table: astropy.table.QTable """ for isect in numpy.arange(self.nsector): csect = self.sect[isect] for icomp in numpy.arange(csect.ncomp): if csect.comp[icomp].add: elim = csect.comp[icomp].flux.elimflux print("---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------") print("Fluxes and restframe luminosities between {0:#11.6G} and {1:#11.6G}".format(elim[0], elim[1])) print("") print("sect comp mod photon flux energy flux nr of photons luminosity") print(" (phot/m**2/s) (W/m**2) (photons/s) (W)") rows = [] for isect in numpy.arange(self.nsector): csect = self.sect[isect] for icomp in numpy.arange(csect.ncomp): cflux = csect.comp[icomp].flux ccomp = csect.comp[icomp] if ccomp.add: print("{0:4d} {1:4d} {2:4s} {3:#11.6G} {4:#11.6G} {5:#11.6G} {6:#11.6G}" "".format(csect.index, ccomp.index,, cflux.photflux.value, cflux.enerflux.value, cflux.photlum.value, cflux.enerlum.value)) rows.append((csect.index, ccomp.index,, cflux.photflux, cflux.enerflux, cflux.photlum, cflux.enerlum)) print("") par_show_table = QTable(rows=rows, names=['Sect', 'Comp', 'Model', 'Phot_flux', 'Ener_flux', 'Nr_phot', 'Lum'], meta={'name': 'Par show flux'}) return par_show_table
[docs] def par_write(self, comfile, overwrite=False): """Write parameters to a .com file. :param comfile: Output file name (with .com extension!) :type comfile: str :param overwrite: (Optional) Overwrite existing files if necessary (True/False). :type overwrite: bool """ file = os.path.splitext(comfile)[0] ext = os.path.splitext(comfile)[1] if ext != '.com': print("Error: File does not have the .com extension.") return 1 if overwrite: com = 'par write {:s} overwrite'.format(file) else: com = 'par write {:s}'.format(file) ier = pyspex_f2py.api_command(com) return ier
[docs]class Sector: """Class describing a Sector. :ivar index: Sector number. :vartype index: int :ivar ncomp: Number of components in sector. :vartype ncomp: int :ivar comp: List of component objects. :vartype comp: list :ivar distance: Distance for this sector. :vartype distance: float :ivar spectrum: Model spectrum for this sector :vartype spectrum: pyspex.model.Spectrum """ def __init__(self): self.index = 0 # Sector number. self.ncomp = 0 # Number of components in sector. self.comp = [] # List of component objects. self.distance = 0. # Distance for this sector. self.spectrum = Spectrum() # The spectrum for this sector
[docs] def update(self, isect): """Obtain the information from SPEX for sector isect. :param isect: Sector number. :type isect: int """ self.index = int(pyspex_f2py.api_model_sector.sect_index[isect-1]) self.ncomp = int(pyspex_f2py.api_model_sector.sect_ncomp[isect-1]) self.distance = float(pyspex_f2py.api_model_sector.sect_distance[isect-1]) self.spectrum.get(isect) self.comp = [] for i in numpy.arange(self.ncomp): c = Component() c.update(self.index, i+1) self.comp.append(c)
[docs]class Component: """Class containing a model component. :ivar index: Component number. :vartype index: int :ivar umodel: Model ID number. :vartype umodel: int :ivar add: Is this an additive component? :vartype add: bool :ivar mul: Is this a multiplicative component? :vartype mul: bool :ivar operator: True for complex components. :vartype operator: bool :ivar npar: Number of parameters in components. :vartype npar: int :ivar name: Name of model. :vartype name: str :ivar nmul: Number of elements in addmul (below). :vartype nmul: int :ivar addmul: Array with the numbers of the multiplicative components to multiply with. :vartype addmul: numpy.ndarray :ivar par: List of parameter objects. :vartype par: list """ def __init__(self): self.index = 0 # Component number. self.umodel = 0 # Model ID number. self.add = False # Is this an additive component? self.mul = False # Is this a multiplicative component? self.operator = False # True for complex components. self.npar = 0 # Number of parameters in components. = '' # Name of model. self.nmul = 0 # Number of elements in addmul (below). self.addmul = numpy.array([]) # Array with the numbers of the multiplicative components to multiply with. self.par = [] # List of parameter objects. self.flux = Fluxes() # Flux for this component
[docs] def update(self, isect, icomp): """Obtain the information from SPEX for sector isect and component icomp. :param isect: Sector number of the component. :type isect: int :param icomp: Component number of the component. :type icomp: int """ pyspex_f2py.api_model_component.api_comp_update(float(isect)) # Update the name and relational information for this component pyspex_f2py.api_model_component.api_comp_get_rel(float(isect), float(icomp)) pyspex_f2py.api_model_component.api_comp_get_name(float(isect), float(icomp)) self.index = int(pyspex_f2py.api_model_component.comp_index[icomp-1]) self.umodel = int(pyspex_f2py.api_model_component.comp_umodel[icomp-1]) self.add = bool(pyspex_f2py.api_model_component.comp_add[icomp-1]) self.mul = bool(pyspex_f2py.api_model_component.comp_mul[icomp-1]) self.operator = bool(pyspex_f2py.api_model_component.comp_operator[icomp-1]) self.npar = int(pyspex_f2py.api_model_component.comp_npar[icomp-1]) = pyspex_f2py.api_model_component.comp_name.view('S4').tobytes().decode('utf-8') self.nmul = int(pyspex_f2py.api_model_component.comp_nmul) self.addmul = numpy.zeros(self.nmul, dtype=int) for i in numpy.arange(self.nmul): self.addmul[i] = int(pyspex_f2py.api_model_component.comp_addmul[i]) self.par = [] pyspex_f2py.api_model_component.api_comp_final() for i in numpy.arange(self.npar): p = Parameter() p.update(isect, icomp, i+1) self.par.append(p) if self.add: self.flux.get(isect, icomp)
[docs]class Parameter: """Class for model parameters. :ivar isect: Sector number :vartype index: int :ivar icomp: Component number :vartype index: int :ivar index: Parameter number :vartype index: int :ivar name: Name of parameter :vartype name: str :ivar type: Type of parameter (norm, abun, fitp, cons or text) :vartype type: str :ivar desc: Description of parameter :vartype desc: str :ivar value: Value :vartype value: float :ivar low: Lower boundary of parameter range :vartype low: float :ivar upp: Upper boundary of parameter range :vartype upp: float :ivar err_low: Lower error boundary :vartype err_low: float :ivar err_upp: Upper error boundary :vartype err_upp: float :ivar free: True if parameter is free :vartype free: bool :ivar linked: True if parameter is linked :vartype linked: bool :ivar link_sector: Sector to which parameter is linked :vartype link_sector: int :ivar link_comp: Component to which parameter is linked :vartype link_comp: int :ivar link_par: Parameter to which parameter is linked :vartype link_par: int :ivar coupling: Coupling factor :vartype coupling: float """ def __init__(self): self.isect = 0 # Sector number self.icomp = 0 # Component number self.index = 0 # Parameter number = '' # Name of parameter self.type = '' # Type of parameter (norm, abun, fitp, cons or text) self.desc = '' # Description of parameter self.value = 0. # Value self.text = '' # Text value self.low = 0. # Lower boundary of parameter range self.upp = 0. # Upper boundary of parameter range self.err_low = 0. # Lower error boundary self.err_upp = 0. # Upper error boundary = False # True if parameter is free self.linked = False # True if parameter is linked self.link_sector = 0 # Sector to which parameter is linked self.link_comp = 0 # Component to which parameter is linked self.link_par = 0 # Parameter to which parameter is linked self.coupling = 1.0 # Coupling factor
[docs] def update(self, isect, icomp, ipar): """Obtain the parameter values from SPEX memory. :param isect: Sector number of the parameter. :type isect: int :param icomp: Component number of the parameter. :type icomp: int :param ipar: Parameter number. :type ipar: int """ pyspex_f2py.api_model_parameter.api_par_update(float(isect), float(icomp), float(ipar)) self.isect = isect self.icomp = icomp self.index = int(pyspex_f2py.api_model_parameter.par_index) = pyspex_f2py.api_model_parameter.par_acronym.view('S4').tobytes().decode('utf-8') = self.type = pyspex_f2py.api_model_parameter.par_type.view('S4').tobytes().decode('utf-8') self.type = self.type.strip() self.desc = pyspex_f2py.api_model_parameter.par_name.view('S20').tobytes().decode('utf-8') self.desc = self.desc.strip() self.text = pyspex_f2py.api_model_parameter.par_text.view('S128').tobytes().decode('utf-8') self.text = self.text.strip() self.value = float(pyspex_f2py.api_model_parameter.par_value) self.low = float(pyspex_f2py.api_model_parameter.par_low) self.upp = float(pyspex_f2py.api_model_parameter.par_upp) self.err_low = float(pyspex_f2py.api_model_parameter.par_err_low) self.err_upp = float(pyspex_f2py.api_model_parameter.par_err_upp) = bool(pyspex_f2py.api_model_parameter.par_free) self.linked = bool(pyspex_f2py.api_model_parameter.par_linked) self.link_sector = int(pyspex_f2py.api_model_parameter.par_link_sector) self.link_comp = int(pyspex_f2py.api_model_parameter.par_link_comp) self.link_par = int(pyspex_f2py.api_model_parameter.par_link_par) self.coupling = float(pyspex_f2py.api_model_parameter.par_coupling)
[docs]class Abundance: """This class manages the SPEX abundance setting. :ivar index: Abundance index in list :vartype index: int :ivar ref: Reference to abundance set (string) :vartype ref: str :ivar list: The available abundance sets. :vartype list: tuple """ def __init__(self): self.index = 0 # Abundance index in list self.ref = "" # Reference to abundance set (string) self.list = ("Lodders et al. (2009)", "Allen (1973)", "Ross & Aller (1976)", "Grevesse et al. (1992)", "Grevesse & Sauval (1998)", "Lodders proto-Solar (2003)", "Lodders Solar Photospheric (2003)", "Anders & Grevesse (1989)", "Asplund et al. (2009)") # The available abundance sets.
[docs] def set(self, abun): """Set the abundance in SPEX to another set. :param abun: Abbreviation of the abundance set. :type abun: str """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_abundance.api_abun_set(abun) self.update() return ier
[docs] def get(self): """Get the current Abundance setting (reference).""" self.update() return self.list[self.index]
[docs] def update(self): """Update the abundance setting in pyspex.""" pyspex_f2py.api_model_abundance.api_abun_update() self.index = int(pyspex_f2py.api_model_abundance.abun_index) self.ref = pyspex_f2py.api_model_abundance.abun_ref.view('S48').tobytes().decode('utf-8')
[docs]class Distance: """This class is used to set and get the distances in SPEX. :ivar m: Distance in meter :vartype m: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar au: Distance in Astronomical Units :vartype au: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar ly: Distance in light year :vartype ly: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar pc: Distance in parsec :vartype pc: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar kpc: Distance in kiloparsec :vartype kpc: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar mpc: Distance in megaparsec :vartype mpc: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar z: Distance in redshift :vartype z: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar cz: Distance in cz :vartype cz: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar age: Lookback time (yr) :vartype age: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar h0: Hubble constant (km/s/Mpc) :vartype h0: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar omega_m: Omega Matter :vartype omega_m: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar omega_l: Omega Lambda :vartype omega_l: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar omega_r: Omega R :vartype omega_r: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity """ def __init__(self): self.m = 0. * u.m # Distance in meter = 0. * u.AU # Distance in Astronomical Units = 0. * u.lyr # Distance in light year self.pc = 0. * u.pc # Distance in parsec self.kpc = 0. * u.kpc # Distance in kiloparsec self.mpc = 0. * u.Mpc # Distance in megaparsec self.z = 0. * u.dimensionless_unscaled # Distance in redshift = 0. * u.dimensionless_unscaled # Distance in cz self.age = 0. * u.yr # Lookback time (yr) # Cosmology self.h0 = 70.0 * / (u.s * u.Mpc) # Hubble constant (km/s/Mpc) self.omega_m = 0.3 * u.dimensionless_unscaled # Omega Matter self.omega_l = 0.7 * u.dimensionless_unscaled # Omega Lambda self.omega_r = 0.0 * u.dimensionless_unscaled # Omega R
[docs] def set(self, isect, dist, unit): """Set the distance in units for a particular sector (isect). :param isect: Sector number. :type isect: int :param dist: Distance value. :type dist: float :param unit: Unit of the distance, for example: 'm', 'au', 'ly', 'pc', 'kpc', 'mpc', 'z', 'cz'. :type unit: str """ ier = 0 ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_distance.api_distance_set(float(isect), dist, unit) if ier == 0: self.m = pyspex_f2py.api_model_distance.dist_m * u.m = pyspex_f2py.api_model_distance.dist_au * u.AU = pyspex_f2py.api_model_distance.dist_ly * u.lyr self.pc = pyspex_f2py.api_model_distance.dist_pc * u.pc self.kpc = pyspex_f2py.api_model_distance.dist_kpc * u.kpc self.mpc = pyspex_f2py.api_model_distance.dist_mpc * u.Mpc self.z = pyspex_f2py.api_model_distance.dist_z * u.dimensionless_unscaled = pyspex_f2py.api_model_distance.dist_cz * u.dimensionless_unscaled self.age = pyspex_f2py.api_model_distance.dist_age * u.yr else: print("Error: Distances not set correctly.")
[docs] def get(self, isect): """Get the distances for a sector from SPEX. :param isect: Sector number. :type isect: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_distance.api_distance_calc(int(isect)) if ier == 0: self.m = pyspex_f2py.api_model_distance.dist_m * u.m = pyspex_f2py.api_model_distance.dist_au * u.AU = pyspex_f2py.api_model_distance.dist_ly * u.lyr self.pc = pyspex_f2py.api_model_distance.dist_pc * u.pc self.kpc = pyspex_f2py.api_model_distance.dist_kpc * u.kpc self.mpc = pyspex_f2py.api_model_distance.dist_mpc * u.Mpc self.z = pyspex_f2py.api_model_distance.dist_z * u.dimensionless_unscaled = pyspex_f2py.api_model_distance.dist_cz * u.dimensionless_unscaled self.age = pyspex_f2py.api_model_distance.dist_age * u.yr else: print("Error: Distances could not be retrieved.")
[docs] def set_cosmo(self, h0, omega_m, omega_l, omega_r): """Set the cosmological constants for the distance calculation. :param h0: Hubble constant (km/s/Mpc). :type h0: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :param omega_m: Omega matter. :type omega_m: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :param omega_l: Omega lambda. :type omega_l: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :param omega_r: Omega R. :type omega_r: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_distance.api_distance_set_cosmo(h0, omega_m, omega_l, omega_r) if ier == 0: self.h0 = h0 * / (u.s * u.Mpc) self.omega_m = omega_m * u.dimensionless_unscaled self.omega_l = omega_l * u.dimensionless_unscaled self.omega_r = omega_r * u.dimensionless_unscaled else: print("Error: Cosmology not set.")
[docs]class Egrid: """This class is used to specify the model energy grid. :ivar nbins: Number of bins :vartype nbins: int :ivar energy: Centroids of bins (Energy, keV) :vartype energy: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar energy_upper: Upper boundaries of bins (Energy, keV) :vartype energy_upper: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar energy_width: Widths of bins (Energy, keV) :vartype energy_width: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity """ def __init__(self): self.nbins = 0 # Number of bins = numpy.array([0.], dtype=float) * u.keV # Centroids of bins self.energy_upper = numpy.array([], dtype=float) * u.keV # Upper boundaries of bins self.energy_width = numpy.array([], dtype=float) * u.keV # Widths of bins def allocate(self): = numpy.zeros(self.nbins, dtype=float) * u.keV self.energy_upper = numpy.zeros(self.nbins, dtype=float) * u.keV self.energy_width = numpy.zeros(self.nbins, dtype=float) * u.keV return 0
[docs] def set(self, elow, ehigh, nbins, unit, log): """Set egrid using limits and number of bins. :param elow: Lowest energy/wavelength for energy grid. :type elow: float :param ehigh: Highest energy/wavelength for energy grid. :type ehigh: float :param nbins: Number of bins for energy grid. :type nbins: int :param unit: Unit of the energy/wavelength range, for example: 'kev', 'ev', 'ryd', 'j', 'hz', 'ang', 'nm' :type unit: str :param log: Make the energy grid logarithmic (True or False) :type log: bool """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_egrid.api_egrid_set(elow, ehigh, float(nbins), unit, log) return ier
[docs] def set_step(self, elow, ehigh, step, unit, log): """Set egrid using limits and step size. :param elow: Lowest energy/wavelength for energy grid. :type elow: float :param ehigh: Highest energy/wavelength for energy grid. :type ehigh: float :param step: Step size for the energy grid. :type step: float :param unit: Unit of the energy/wavelength range, for example: 'kev', 'ev', 'ryd', 'j', 'hz', 'ang', 'nm' :type unit: str :param log: Make the energy grid logarithmic (True or False) :type log: bool """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_egrid.api_egrid_set_step(elow, ehigh, step, unit, log) return ier
[docs] def get(self): """Get the current energy grid from SPEX.""" pyspex_f2py.api_model_egrid.api_egrid_get() self.nbins = pyspex_f2py.api_model_egrid.nbins self.allocate() for i in numpy.arange(self.nbins):[i] = pyspex_f2py.api_model_egrid.energy_cent[i] * u.keV self.energy_upper[i] = pyspex_f2py.api_model_egrid.energy_bupp[i] * u.keV self.energy_width[i] = pyspex_f2py.api_model_egrid.energy_width[i] * u.keV pyspex_f2py.api_model_egrid.api_egrid_final() return 0
[docs] def save(self, savefile): """Save the energy grid to a file named savefile (extension: .egr). :param savefile: Filename to save the energy grid to (including .egr extension) :type savefile: str """ file = os.path.splitext(savefile)[0] ext = os.path.splitext(savefile)[1] if ext != '.egr': print("Error: File does not have the .egr extension.") return 1 ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_egrid.api_egrid_save(file) return ier
[docs] def read(self, readfile): """Read the energy grid from a file named readfile (extension: .egr). :param readfile: Filename to read the energy grid from (including .egr extension) :type readfile: str """ file = os.path.splitext(readfile)[0] ext = os.path.splitext(readfile)[1] if ext != '.egr': print("Error: File does not have the .egr extension.") return 1 ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_egrid.api_egrid_read(file) return ier
[docs] def grid(self, ebounds): """Provide a grid to SPEX by providing a numpy array with the bin boundaries. Please note that the length of this array is the number of bins + 1! :param ebounds: Array containing the energy boundaries of the new energy grid (keV). :type ebounds: numpy.ndarray """ if type(ebounds) is numpy.ndarray: ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_egrid.api_egrid_grid(ebounds) else: print("Error: Input object is not a numpy array.") return 1 return ier
[docs]class Fluxes: """This class is used to calculate fluxes and luminosities of spectra in a spectral band. :ivar sector: Sector number of flux calculation :vartype sector: int :ivar component: Component number of flux calculation :vartype component: int :ivar photflux: Photon flux (phot/m**2/s) :vartype photflux: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar enerflux: Energy flux (W/m**2) :vartype enerflux: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar photlum: Photon luminosity (photons/s) :vartype photlum: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar enerlum: Energy luminosity (W) :vartype enerlum: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar elimflux: Flux energy limits (keV) :vartype elimflux: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity """ def __init__(self): self.sector = 0 # Sector number of flux calculation self.component = 0 # Component number of flux calculation self.photflux = 0. * / (u.m**2 * u.s) # Photon flux (phot/m**2/s) self.enerflux = 0. * u.W / u.m**2 # Energy flux (W/m**2) self.photlum = 0. * / u.s # Photon luminosity (photons/s) self.enerlum = 0. * u.W # Energy luminosity (W) self.elimflux = numpy.zeros(2, dtype=float) * u.keV #: Flux energy limits (keV)
[docs] def elim(self, elow, ehigh, unit): """Set the energy limits for the flux and luminosity calculation. :param elow: Lowest energy/wavelength for energy interval. :type elow: float :param ehigh: Highest energy/wavelength for energy interval. :type ehigh: float :param unit: Unit of the energy/wavelength interval, for example: 'kev', 'ev', 'ryd', 'j', 'hz', 'ang', 'nm'. :type unit: str """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_fluxes.api_flux_elim(elow, ehigh, unit) if ier != 0: print("Error: Setting of energy limits failed.") return ier
[docs] def get(self, isect, icomp): """Get the flux and luminosity from SPEX for a given sector and component number. :param isect: Sector number of the component to obtain the flux from. :type isect: int :param icomp: Component number to obtain the flux from. :type icomp: int """ pyspex_f2py.api_model_fluxes.api_flux_get(float(isect), float(icomp)) self.sector = isect self.component = icomp self.photflux = pyspex_f2py.api_model_fluxes.flux_photflux * / (u.m**2 * u.s) self.enerflux = pyspex_f2py.api_model_fluxes.flux_enerflux * u.W / u.m**2 self.photlum = pyspex_f2py.api_model_fluxes.flux_photlum * / u.s self.enerlum = pyspex_f2py.api_model_fluxes.flux_enerlum * u.W self.elimflux = pyspex_f2py.api_model_fluxes.flux_elim * u.keV return
[docs] def calc(self, isect, icomp): """Calculate and get flux and luminosity from SPEX for a given sector and component number. :param isect: Sector number of the component to calculate. :type isect: int :param icomp: Component number to calculate. :type icomp: int """ pyspex_f2py.api_model.api_model_calculate() self.get(isect, icomp) return
[docs]class Ibal: """This class manages the SPEX ionisation balance setting. :ivar index: Index number for list of ionisation balance sets. :vartype index: int :ivar ref: Reference to the current ionisation balance. :vartype ref: str :ivar list: List of available ionisation balance data. :vartype list: tuple """ def __init__(self): self.index = 0 # Index number for list. self.ref = "" # Reference to ibal set (string) self.list = ("", "Arnaud & Raymond (1992) for Fe, Arnaud & Rothenflug (1985) for other elements", "Arnaud & Rothenflug (1985)", "Arnaud & Raymond (1992) for Fe, Arnaud & Rothenflug (1985) " "for other elements", "Old Bryans et al. data (NOT recommended)", "Bryans et al. (2009)", "Urdampilleta et al. (2017)") # List of available ibal data.
[docs] def set(self, ibal): """Set the abundance in SPEX to another set. :param ibal: Abbreviation of the reference to the ionisation balance. :type ibal: str """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ibal.api_ibal_set(ibal) self.update() return ier
[docs] def get(self): """Get the current Abundance setting (reference).""" self.update() return self.list[self.index]
[docs] def update(self): """Update the abundance setting in pyspex.""" pyspex_f2py.api_model_ibal.api_ibal_update() self.index = int(pyspex_f2py.api_model_ibal.ibal_index) self.ref = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ibal.ibal_ref.view('S80').tobytes().decode('utf-8')
# Classes for ions in the model calculation class Ion: """Class containing the settings of an ion. :ivar z: Atomic number. :vartype z: int :ivar i: Ionisation stage. :vartype i: int :ivar use: Ion used in calculation. :vartype use: bool :ivar new: Use ion in the new calculation. :vartype new: bool :ivar nmax: Maximum principle quantum number. :vartype nmax: int :ivar lmax: Maximum angular momentum number. :vartype lmax: int """ def __init__(self, z, i): self.z = z # Atomic number self.i = i # Ionisation stage self.use = True # Ion used in calculation = True # Use ion in the new calculation self.nmax = 10 # Maximum principle quantum number self.lmax = 10 # Maximum angular momentum number self.update() def update(self): """Update the information for an ion with atomic number z and ionisation stage i.""" (self.nmax, self.lmax, use, new) = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_get(float(self.z), float(self.i)) if use == 1: self.use = True else: self.use = False if new == 1: = True else: = False
[docs]class Aerror: """Class for calculating the uncertainty in a parameter due to atomic data uncertainties. :ivar aerr: Error value for the requested parameter. :vartype aerr: float """ def __init__(self): """Initialize Aerror.""" self.aerr = 0.
[docs] def get(self, isect, icomp, iname, shell=0): """Obtain the atomic data error for parameter `iname` in sector `isect` and component number `icomp`. :param isect: Sector number of the parameter. :type isect: int :param icomp: Component number of the parameter. :type icomp: int :param iname: Parameter name. :type iname: str :param shell: Shell number (L-shell = 1, K-shell = 2) :type shell: int """ ier = 0 if shell == 1 or shell == 2: ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_aerror.api_aerror_get_shell(isect, icomp, iname, shell) else: ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_aerror.api_aerror_get(isect, icomp, iname) if ier == 0: self.aerr = float(pyspex_f2py.api_model_aerror.aerr_error) else: return return self.aerr
class Atom: """Class containing all ions for an atom. :ivar nion: Number of ions for this atom. :vartype nion: int :ivar z: Atomic number for this atom. :vartype z: int :ivar ions: List of ion objects with ion information. :vartype ions: list """ def __init__(self, z): """Initialize the information for an atom. :param z: Atomic number :type z: int """ self.nion = z + 1 self.z = z self.ions = [] self.update() def update(self): """Update the properties for this atom.""" for ii in numpy.arange(self.nion): ion = Ion(self.z, ii+1) self.ions.append(ion)
[docs]class Ions: """Class to manage the ions taken into account in the model calculation. :ivar nz: Total number of atoms considered. :vartype nz: int :ivar atoms: List of atoms (with information about each ion). :vartype atoms: list """ def __init__(self): = 30 self.atoms = [] self.update()
[docs] def update(self): """Update the properties of all atoms.""" self.atoms = [] for iz in numpy.arange( atom = Atom(iz+1) self.atoms.append(atom)
[docs] def show(self): """Show the settings for the ions.""" names = Elements() for iz in numpy.arange( for jz in numpy.arange(self.atoms[iz].nion): if self.atoms[iz].ions[jz].new: new = 'v3' else: new = 'v2' nmax = self.atoms[iz].ions[jz].nmax lmax = self.atoms[iz].ions[jz].lmax if self.atoms[iz].ions[jz].use: print("{:9} {:2} {:3d} {:3d}".format(names.ion(iz+1, jz+1), new, nmax, lmax))
# Set nmax
[docs] def nmax_all(self, nmax): """Set all ions to maximum quantum number nmax. :param nmax: Maximum principle quantum number to use. :type nmax: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_nmax_all(float(nmax)) self.update() return ier
[docs] def nmax_iso(self, iso, nmax): """Set this iso-electronic sequence to maximum quantum number nmax. :param iso: Iso-electronic sequence. :type iso: int :param nmax: Maximum principle quantum number to use. :type nmax: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_nmax_iso(float(nmax), float(iso)) self.update() return ier
[docs] def nmax_z(self, z, nmax): """Set all ions of this element to maximum quantum number nmax. :param z: Atomic number :type z: int :param nmax: Maximum principle quantum number to use. :type nmax: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_nmax_z(float(nmax), float(z)) self.update() return ier
[docs] def nmax_ion(self, z, i, nmax): """Set this ion to maximum quantum number nmax. :param z: Atomic number :type z: int :param i: Ion number :type i: int :param nmax: Maximum principle quantum number to use. :type nmax: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_nmax_ion(float(nmax), float(z), float(i)) self.update() return ier
# Set lmax
[docs] def lmax_all(self, lmax): """Set all ions to maximum angular momentum lmax. :param lmax: Maximum angular momentum to use. :type lmax: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_lmax_all(float(lmax)) self.update() return ier
[docs] def lmax_iso(self, iso, lmax): """Set this iso-electronic sequence to maximum angular momentum lmax. :param iso: Iso-electronic sequence. :type iso: int :param lmax: Maximum angular momentum to use. :type lmax: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_lmax_iso(float(lmax), float(iso)) self.update() return ier
[docs] def lmax_z(self, z, lmax): """Set all ions of this element to maximum angular momentum lmax. :param z: Atomic number :type z: int :param lmax: Maximum angular momentum to use. :type lmax: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_lmax_z(float(lmax), float(z)) self.update() return ier
[docs] def lmax_ion(self, z, i, lmax): """Set this ion to maximum angular momentum lmax. :param z: Atomic number :type z: int :param i: Ion number :type i: int :param lmax: Maximum angular momentum to use. :type lmax: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_lmax_ion(float(lmax), float(z), float(i)) self.update() return ier
# Set use
[docs] def use_all(self): """Use all ions.""" ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_use_all() self.update() return ier
[docs] def use_iso(self, iso): """Use this iso-electronic sequence. :param iso: Iso-electronic sequence. :type iso: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_use_iso(float(iso)) self.update() return ier
[docs] def use_z(self, z): """Use all ions of this element. :param z: Atomic number :type z: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_use_z(float(z)) self.update() return ier
[docs] def use_ion(self, z, i): """Use this ion. :param z: Atomic number :type z: int :param i: Ion number :type i: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_use_ion(float(z), float(i)) self.update() return ier
# Set ignore
[docs] def ignore_all(self): """Ignore all ions.""" ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_ignore_all() self.update() return ier
[docs] def ignore_iso(self, iso): """Ignore this iso-electronic sequence. :param iso: Iso-electronic sequence. :type iso: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_ignore_iso(float(iso)) self.update() return ier
[docs] def ignore_z(self, z): """Ignore all ions of this element. :param z: Atomic number :type z: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_ignore_z(float(z)) self.update() return ier
[docs] def ignore_ion(self, z, i): """Ignore this ion. :param z: Atomic number :type z: int :param i: Ion number :type i: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_ignore_ion(float(z), float(i)) self.update() return ier
# Set new
[docs] def new_all(self): """Use new calculations for all ions.""" ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_new_all() self.update() return ier
[docs] def new_iso(self, iso): """Use new calculations for this iso-electronic sequence. :param iso: Iso-electronic sequence. :type iso: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_new_iso(float(iso)) self.update() return ier
[docs] def new_z(self, z): """Use new calculations for all ions of this element. :param z: Atomic number :type z: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_new_z(float(z)) self.update() return ier
[docs] def new_ion(self, z, i): """Use new calculations for this ion. :param z: Atomic number :type z: int :param i: Ion number :type i: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_new_ion(float(z), float(i)) self.update() return ier
# Set old
[docs] def old_all(self): """Use old calculations for all ions.""" ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_old_all() self.update() return ier
[docs] def old_iso(self, iso): """Use old calculations for this iso-electronic sequence. :param iso: Iso-electronic sequence. :type iso: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_old_iso(float(iso)) self.update() return ier
[docs] def old_z(self, z): """Use old calculations for all ions of this element. :param z: Atomic number :type z: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_old_z(float(z)) self.update() return ier
[docs] def old_ion(self, z, i): """Use old calculations for this ion. :param z: Atomic number :type z: int :param i: Ion number :type i: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_qc_ion(float(z), float(i)) self.update() return ier
# Set qc
[docs] def qc_all(self): """Use qc calculations for all ions.""" ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_qc_all() self.update() return ier
[docs] def qc_iso(self, iso): """Use qc calculations for this iso-electronic sequence. :param iso: Iso-electronic sequence. :type iso: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_qc_iso(float(iso)) self.update() return ier
[docs] def qc_z(self, z): """Use qc calculations for all ions of this element. :param z: Atomic number :type z: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_qc_z(float(z)) self.update() return ier
[docs] def qc_ion(self, z, i): """Use qc calculations for this ion. :param z: Atomic number :type z: int :param i: Ion number :type i: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_model_ions.api_ion_qc_ion(float(z), float(i)) self.update() return ier
[docs]class Spectrum: """This class obtains and stores the model spectrum from SPEX. :ivar nbins: Number of bins :vartype nbins: int :ivar energy: Centroids of bins (Energy, keV) :vartype energy: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar energy_upper: Upper boundaries of bins (Energy, keV) :vartype energy_upper: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar energy_width: Widths of bins (Energy, keV) :vartype energy_width: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar spectrum: Spectrum of bins (in ph/s/m**2/bin at observatory) :vartype spectrum: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar luminosity: Spectrum of bins (in 10^44 ph/s/keV at source distance) :vartype luminosity: astropy.units.quantity.Quantity :ivar table: Astropy QTable containing spectrum. :vartype table: astropy.table.QTable """ def __init__(self): self.nbins = 0 # Total number of bins = numpy.array([0.], dtype=float) * u.keV # Centroids of bins self.energy_upper = numpy.array([0.], dtype=float) * u.keV # Upper boundaries of bins self.energy_width = numpy.array([0.], dtype=float) * u.keV # Widths of bins self.spectrum = numpy.array([0.], dtype=float) * / (u.m**2 * u.s * u.bin) # Spectrum of bins (in ph/s/m**2/bin at observatory) self.luminosity = numpy.array([0.], dtype=float) * * 1E+44 / (u.s * u.keV) # Spectrum of bins (in 10^44 ph/s/keV at source distance) self.table = QTable() def allocate(self): = numpy.zeros(self.nbins, dtype=float) * u.keV self.energy_upper = numpy.zeros(self.nbins, dtype=float) * u.keV self.energy_width = numpy.zeros(self.nbins, dtype=float) * u.keV self.spectrum = numpy.zeros(self.nbins, dtype=float) * / (u.m**2 * u.s * u.bin) self.luminosity = numpy.zeros(self.nbins, dtype=float) * * 1E+44 / (u.s * u.keV)
[docs] def get(self, isect): """Get the model spectra from SPEX for sector number isect.""" pyspex_f2py.api_model_spectrum.api_model_spectrum_total(isect) self.nbins = pyspex_f2py.api_model_spectrum.nbins self.allocate() for i in numpy.arange(self.nbins):[i] = pyspex_f2py.api_model_spectrum.energy_cent[i] * u.keV self.energy_upper[i] = pyspex_f2py.api_model_spectrum.energy_bupp[i] * u.keV self.energy_width[i] = pyspex_f2py.api_model_spectrum.energy_width[i] * u.keV self.spectrum[i] = pyspex_f2py.api_model_spectrum.spectrum[i] * / (u.m**2 * u.s * u.bin) self.luminosity[i] = pyspex_f2py.api_model_spectrum.luminosity[i] * * 1E+44 / (u.s * u.keV) self.table = QTable([, self.energy_upper, self.energy_width, self.spectrum, self.luminosity], names=('X_ctr', 'X_upp', 'X_wid', 'Spectrum', 'Luminosity'), meta={'name': 'Sector Model spectrum'}) pyspex_f2py.api_model_spectrum.api_model_spectrum_final()
[docs]class Var: """Various settings for the plasma models. :ivar gacc: Free-bound accuracy :vartype gacc: float :ivar line_ex: Electron excitation included :vartype line_ex: bool :ivar line_px: Proton excitation included :vartype line_px: bool :ivar line_rr: Radiative recombination included :vartype line_rr: bool :ivar line_dr: Di-electronic recombination included :vartype line_dr: bool :ivar line_ds: Di-electronic satellites included :vartype line_ds: bool :ivar line_ii: Inner shell ionisation included :vartype line_ii: bool :ivar doppler: Doppler broadening :vartype doppler: int :ivar newcalc: SPEXACT 3 calculations (False: SPEXACT 2) :vartype newcalc: bool :ivar occstart: Occupation calculations :vartype occstart: int :ivar mekal_wav: Wavelength corrections according to the work of Phillips et al. (1999) :vartype mekal_wav: bool :ivar mekal_fe17: The strongest Fe XVII lines by Doron & Behar (2002). :vartype mekal_fe17: bool :ivar mekal_update: Several minor corrections :vartype mekal_update: book :ivar ibalmaxw: Multi-Maxwellians for the ionisation balance :vartype ibalmaxw: bool :ivar newcoolexc: Cooling by collisional excitation by Stofanova (SPEXACT 3) :vartype newcoolexc: bool :ivar newcooldr: Cooling by dielectronic recombination (SPEXACT 3) :vartype newcooldr: bool """ def __init__(self): self.gacc = 0. # Free-bound accuracy self.line_ex = True # Electron excitation included self.line_px = True # Proton excitation included self.line_rr = True # Radiative recombination included self.line_dr = True # Dielectronic recombination included self.line_ds = True # Dielectronic satellites included self.line_ii = True # Inner shell ionisation included self.doppler = 2 # Doppler broadening # 1 = No broadening at all # 2 = Only Doppler broadening (default) # 3 = Only natural broadening (works only for var calc new) # 4 = Doppler and natural broadening, Voigt profiles (best physical representation, # works only for var calc new) self.newcalc = 0 # SPEXACT 3 calculations (0 = SPEXACT 2; 1 = Quick CIE; 2 = SPEXACT 3) self.occstart = 0 # Occupation calculations # 0 = from ground state # 1 = from Boltzmann distribution # 2 = from last calculation self.mekal_wav = True # Wavelength corrections according to the work of Phillips et al. (1999) self.mekal_fe17 = True # The strongest Fe XVII lines by Doron & Behar (2002). self.mekal_update =True # Several minor corrections self.ibalmaxw = True # Multi-Maxwellians for the ionisation balance self.newcoolexc = False # Cooling by collisional excitation by Stofanova (SPEXACT 3) self.newcooldr = False # Cooling by dielectronic recombination (SPEXACT 3) self.cxcon = 2 # Charge exchange rates (1 = Arnaud & Rothenflug, 2 = Kingdon & Ferland)
[docs] def update(self): """Obtain the current plasma model settings from SPEX.""" pyspex_f2py.api_model_var.api_var_update() self.gacc = float(pyspex_f2py.api_model_var.var_gacc) self.line_ex = bool(pyspex_f2py.api_model_var.var_line_ex) self.line_px = bool(pyspex_f2py.api_model_var.var_line_px) self.line_rr = bool(pyspex_f2py.api_model_var.var_line_rr) self.line_dr = bool(pyspex_f2py.api_model_var.var_line_dr) self.line_ds = bool(pyspex_f2py.api_model_var.var_line_ds) self.line_ii = bool(pyspex_f2py.api_model_var.var_line_ii) self.doppler = int(pyspex_f2py.api_model_var.var_line_doppler) self.newcalc = int(pyspex_f2py.api_model_var.var_calc) self.occstart = int(pyspex_f2py.api_model_var.var_occstart) self.mekal_wav = bool(pyspex_f2py.api_model_var.var_mekal_wav) self.mekal_fe17 = bool(pyspex_f2py.api_model_var.var_mekal_fe17) self.mekal_update = bool(pyspex_f2py.api_model_var.var_mekal_update) self.ibalmaxw = bool(pyspex_f2py.api_model_var.var_ibalmaxw) self.newcoolexc = bool(pyspex_f2py.api_model_var.var_newcoolexc) self.newcooldr = bool(pyspex_f2py.api_model_var.var_newcooldr) self.cxcon = int(pyspex_f2py.api_model_var.var_cxcon)
[docs] def set_gacc(self, value): """Set the free-bound emission accuracy. :param value: Free-bound emission accuracy. :type value: float """ com = 'var gacc {:e}'.format(value) ier = pyspex_f2py.api_command(com) return ier
[docs] def reset_gacc(self): """Reset the free-bound emission accuracy.""" ier = pyspex_f2py.api_command('var gacc reset') self.update() return ier
[docs] def set_line(self, ltype, status): """Set a line emission contribution on or off. :param ltype: Line emission contribution ('ex', 'px', 'rr', 'dr', 'ds', 'ii', 'reset') :type ltype: str :param status: Boolean indicator whether contribution is on (True) or off (False). :type status: bool """ if ltype == 'reset': com = 'var line reset' else: if status: com = 'var line {:s} true'.format(ltype) else: com = 'var line {:s} false'.format(ltype) ier = pyspex_f2py.api_command(com) self.update()
[docs] def set_doppler(self, value): """Doppler broadening. :param value: Doppler broadening type. :type value: int """ com = "var doppler {:d}".format(value) ier = pyspex_f2py.api_command(com) self.update() return ier
[docs] def set_calc(self, status): """Perform SPEXACT 3 line calculations. :param status: Use SPEXACT 2 (0), Quick SPEXACT 3 (1), or SPEXACT 3 (1) :type status: int """ if (status==0): ier = pyspex_f2py.api_command('var calc old') elif (status==1): ier = pyspex_f2py.api_command('var calc qc') elif (status==2): ier = pyspex_f2py.api_command('var calc new') else: print("Option "+str(status)+" is unknown.") self.update() return ier
[docs] def set_occstart(self, otype): """At which occupation level to start. :param otype: Occupation level ('ground', 'boltz', 'last') :type otype: str """ com = 'var occstart '+otype ier = pyspex_f2py.api_command(com) self.update() return ier
[docs] def set_mekal(self, utype, status): """Switch old Mekal updates on/off. :param utype: Update type ('wav', 'fe17', 'update', 'all') :type utype: str :param status: On (True) or off (False) :type status: bool """ if status: com = 'var newmekal {:s} true'.format(utype) else: com = 'var newmekal {:s} false'.format(utype) ier = pyspex_f2py.api_command(com) self.update() return ier
[docs] def set_ibalmaxw(self, status): """Switch the Multi-Maxwellians for the ionisation balance on/off (True/False). :param status: On (True) or off (False) :type status: bool """ if status: com = 'var ibalmaxw true' else: com = 'var ibalmaxw false' ier = pyspex_f2py.api_command(com) self.update() return ier
[docs] def set_newcoolexc(self, status): """Cooling by collisional excitation by Stofanova (SPEXACT 3) on/off (True/False). :param status: On (True) or off (False) :type status: bool """ if status: com = 'var newcoolexc true' else: com = 'var newcoolexc true' ier = pyspex_f2py.api_command(com) self.update() return ier
[docs] def set_newcooldr(self, status): """Cooling by dielectronic recombination (SPEXACT 3) on/off (True/False). :param status: On (True) or off (False) :type status: bool """ if status: com = 'var newcooldr true' else: com = 'var newcooldr false' ier = pyspex_f2py.api_command(com) self.update() return ier
[docs] def set_cxcon(self, value): """Set charge exchange recombination and ionization rates according to either 1 = Arnaud & Rothenflug (1985) or 2 = Kingdon & Ferland (1996). Default is 2. :param value: Recombination and ionisation rateset. 1 = Arnaud & Rothenflug, 2 = Kingdon & Ferland. :type value: int """ ier = pyspex_f2py.api_command('var cxcon {0}'.format(value)) self.update() return ier
[docs]class Dem: """SPEX DEM modeling interface. :ivar nr: Number of temperature bins. :vartype nr: int :ivar tw: Temperature bins in keV. :vartype tw: astropy.quantity.Quantity :ivar yw: Differential emission measure as a function of temperature (in 10^64 m**3 / keV). :vartype yw: astropy.quantity.Quantity :ivar ywerr: Error on the differential emission measure as a function of temperature (in 10^64 m**3 / keV). :vartype ywerr: astropy.quantity.Quantity :ivar chisq: Chi^2 value for the DEM fit. :vartype chisq: float :ivar dempen: Dem penalty, number of bins that are less or equal to 0. :vartype dempen: float :ivar table: Astropy QTable containing DEM model. :vartype table: astropy.table.QTable """ def __init__(self): = 0 = numpy.array([0], dtype=float) * u.keV self.yw = numpy.array([0], dtype=float) * 10**64 * u.m**3 / u.keV self.ywerr = numpy.array([0], dtype=float) * 10**64 * u.m**3 / u.keV self.mult_n = 0 self.mult_t = numpy.array([0], dtype=float) * u.keV self.mult_dt = numpy.array([0], dtype=float) * u.keV self.mult_y = numpy.array([0], dtype=float) * 10**64 * u.m**3 self.chi_n = 0 self.chi_reg = numpy.array([0], dtype=float) * u.dimensionless_unscaled self.chi_chi = numpy.array([0], dtype=float) * u.dimensionless_unscaled self.chi_pen = numpy.array([0], dtype=float) * u.dimensionless_unscaled self.chisq = 0. self.dempen = 0. self.table = QTable() self.mult_table = QTable() self.chi_table = QTable() def update(self): pyspex_f2py.api_model_dem.api_model_dem_update() = pyspex_f2py.api_model_dem.dem_nr = numpy.zeros(, dtype=float) * u.keV self.yw = numpy.zeros(, dtype=float) * u.m**3 / u.keV self.ywerr = numpy.zeros(, dtype=float) * u.m**3 / u.keV self.mult_n = pyspex_f2py.api_model_dem.dem_mul_n self.mult_t = numpy.zeros(self.mult_n, dtype=float) * u.keV self.mult_dt = numpy.zeros(self.mult_n, dtype=float) * u.keV self.mult_y = numpy.zeros(self.mult_n, dtype=float) * u.m**3 self.chi_n = pyspex_f2py.api_model_dem.dem_nreg self.chi_reg = numpy.zeros(self.chi_n, dtype=float) * u.dimensionless_unscaled self.chi_chi = numpy.zeros(self.chi_n, dtype=float) * u.dimensionless_unscaled self.chi_pen = numpy.zeros(self.chi_n, dtype=float) * u.dimensionless_unscaled self.chisq = float(pyspex_f2py.api_model_dem.dem_chisq) self.dempen = float(pyspex_f2py.api_model_dem.dem_dempen) for i in numpy.arange([i] = pyspex_f2py.api_model_dem.dem_tw[i] * u.keV self.yw[i] = pyspex_f2py.api_model_dem.dem_yw[i] * 1E+64 * u.m**3 / u.keV self.ywerr[i] = pyspex_f2py.api_model_dem.dem_ywerr[i] * 1E+64 * u.m**3 / u.keV for i in numpy.arange(self.mult_n): self.mult_t[i] = pyspex_f2py.api_model_dem.dem_mul_t[i] * u.keV self.mult_dt[i] = pyspex_f2py.api_model_dem.dem_mul_dt[i] * u.keV self.mult_y[i] = pyspex_f2py.api_model_dem.dem_mul_y[i] * 1E+64 * u.m**3 for i in numpy.arange(self.chi_n): self.chi_reg[i] = pyspex_f2py.api_model_dem.dem_reg[i] * u.dimensionless_unscaled self.chi_chi[i] = pyspex_f2py.api_model_dem.dem_chi[i] * u.dimensionless_unscaled self.chi_pen[i] = pyspex_f2py.api_model_dem.dem_pen[i] * u.dimensionless_unscaled self.table = QTable([, self.yw, self.ywerr], names=('kT', 'DY', 'DY_Err'), meta={'name': 'DEM Model'}) self.mult_table = QTable([self.mult_t, self.mult_dt, self.mult_y], names=('kT', 'dkT', 'DY'), meta={'name': 'DEM Mult Components'}) self.chi_table = QTable([self.chi_reg, self.chi_chi, self.chi_pen], names=('Reg', 'Chi2', 'Penalty'), meta={'name': 'DEM Chireg Results'})