1.3. How to convert spectra to SPEX format

Trafo is a program to convert OGIP spectra and responses into SPEX format. Before trafo is started, you need the OGIP spectra and responses first. Please read the documentation regarding your dataset for more information on how to create OGIP files. The minimum that trafo needs is a spectrum (.pi or .pha) and a response matrix (.rmf or .rsp). If you want to subtract background spectra or if you have an additional arf file, then please also collect these files in your working directory.


There is also an alternative for the trafo program called ogip2spex. This program is part of the SPEX Python tools (PYSPEX). This program takes the necessary input from the command line and is easy for scripting. More information about ogip2spex can be found on the Pyspex Github documentation page.

1.3.1. Starting trafo

It is best to run trafo in the directory where your OGIP files are. It is an interactive program, so it will ask the user for information when the program is run.

user@linux:~> trafo
Program trafo: transform data to SPEX 2.0 format
This is version 1.04, of trafo

Are your data in OGIP format            : type=1
Old (Version 1.10 and below) SPEX format: type=2
New (Version 2.00 and above) SPEX format: type=3

Enter the type:

The first questions are quite straightforward. In the case of OGIP spectra, the type is always 1. In principle, it is possible to put more than one spectrum in a spo and res file, but for most simple cases transforming a single spectrum is sufficient.

Enter the type: 1
Enter the number of spectra you want to transform: 1
Enter the maximum number of response groups per energy per spectrum: 100000

The maximum number of response groups should just be a large number in nearly all cases. In special cases, it can put a limit on the number of response groups that will be saved in the .res file.

1.3.2. Optimizing the response matrix

The following feature is present in trafo since version 1.02 (SPEX version 2.02). It allows the user to re-arrange the response matrix to make more optimal use of parallel processing. There are three options: 1. Keep the matrix as provided. 2. Try to re-arrange the matrix into contiguous groups. The program tries to identify physically distinctive components and avoids overlapping data. 3. Split the matrix into N equal-sized components. This is particularly useful for grating spectra (RGS) and allows for efficient matrix multiplication on multi-core processors. Any power of 2 between 8 and 32 should provide a fast response matrix. In the terminal, this option is provided in the following way:

How should the matrix be partioned?
Option 1: keep as provided (1 component, no re-arrangements)
Option 2: rearrange into contiguous groups
Option 3: split into N roughly equal-sized components
Enter your preferred option (1,2,3): 1

Option number 1 is the safest option to choose, but also the slowest. Option 2 and 3 can provide a significant increase in performance, but results should be carefully checked. More information about re-arranging response matrices can be found in the SPEX Manual.

1.3.3. Calculating response derivatives

After the response structure, trafo asks whether one wants to calculate response derivatives:

Do you want to calculate the response derivatives (if not available)? (y/n) [no]:

For high resolution spectra, this feature can optimize the response. See Optimal definition of respons matrices for more information. The default choice is no, which will return a classic response file without derivatives.

1.3.4. Reading the spectra

Then, trafo asks for the filenames of the source and background spectra. First, provide the file name of the source spectrum. trafo will return some of the basic properties of the spectral file, like exposure time and values of the most important FITS keywords.

Enter filename spectrum to be read: PN-source.pi
Exposure time (s): 2.10571992E+04
Assuming Poissonian Errors
Areascal: 1.00000000E+00
Backscal: 1.00000000E+00
No BACKFILE keyword found
Corrscal: 1.00000000E+00
No CORRFILE keyword found
No RESPFILE keyword found
No ANCRFILE keyword found
No background specified in pha-file.

A background spectrum can be provided (optional), which will be subtracted from the source spectrum. If a background file is already specified in the FITS header of the source spectrum, this question will not be asked.

Read nevertheless a background file? (y/n) [no]: y
Enter filename background spectrum to be read: PN-background.pi
Exposure time (s): 2.10572832E+04
Assuming Poissonian Errors
Areascal: 1.00000000E+00
Backscal: 1.00000000E+00
No BACKFILE keyword found
Corrscal: 1.00000000E+00
No CORRFILE keyword found
No RESPFILE keyword found
No ANCRFILE keyword found

1.3.5. Bad channels and grouping

Depending on the instrument used, there is a chance that the spectrum contains bad channels. This is especially true for grating spectra. Sometimes the background spectrum can have a different number of bad channels than the source spectrum. It is therefore important that a particular bad channel in either of the two spectra is ignored. In this example, there are no bad channels, so either yes or no will do.

Checking data quality and grouping ...
Ogip files have quality flags. Quality 0 means okay
Your spectrum file has          0 bins with bad quality
Your background file has        0 bins with bad quality
Your combined file has          0 bins with bad quality
Shall we ignore bad channels? (y/n) [no]:y

If grppha has been used on the spectrum, trafo will also ask whether the spectra should be binned according to the groups defined in the PHA file.

Important note: We do not recommend the use of grppha for binning spectra. For spectra with Poisson statistics (most X-ray spectra), it is much better to use C-statistics and use an optimal binning algorithm in SPEX based on the spectral resolution of the instrument.

1.3.6. Read response and effective area files

In the next step, the response matrix is read. Sometimes, the response matrices start at channel 0, which can be somewhat confusing. Especially when some arrays start at channel 0 and others at channel 1. If both data sets start at zero, it is best to shift the channel numbers with 1 unit. For most instruments this is fine, however, there are situations when this does not apply. In that case, please check your energy grid by loading a delta line component in SPEX and check the energy of the line manually. Then, compare the output with a delta line defined in XSPEC.

Determining background subtracted spectra ...
No response matrix file specified in pha-file.
Enter filename response matrix to be read: PN.rmf
Reading response matrix ...
Warning, ebounds data started at channel    0
Warning, response data started at channel 0
Possible response conflict; check xspec/spex with delta line!
Enter shift to response array (1 recommended, but some cases may be 0):1
No effective area file specified in pha-file.

Sometimes, also an effective area file needs to be provided separately:

Read nevertheless an effective area file? (y/n) [no]: y
Enter filename arf-file to be read: PN.arf
Reading effective area ...
Determining zero response data  ...
Total number of channels with zero response:      373
Original number of data channels                               :         4096
Channels after passing mask and omitting zero response channels:         3723
Rebinning data where necessary ...
Rebinning response where necessary ...
old number of response elements:       435950
new number of response elements:       435950
old number of response groups  :         1481
new number of response groups  :         1481
Correcting for effective area ...

Determine number of components ...
Found     1 components
Enter any shift in bins (0 recommended): 0
order will not be swapped ...

If there are bins with zero response, then they are excluded from the resulting file. Also here a shift in bins can be set, but the recommended value is 0.

1.3.7. Writing res and spo files

The final step is writing the spectra in SPEX format. The file names should be provided without an extension. The .spo and .res extension will be added automatically.

Enter filename spectrum to be saved (without .spo): PN
Enter filename response to be saved (without .res): PN
Final number of response elements:   435950

The PN.spo and PN.res file have been saved in the current directory.