4.1.42. Vcom: Compton shoulder broadening modelΒΆ

This multiplicative model broadens an arbitrary additive component with a Compton shoulder.

The profile shape is given by (1+x^2)(1+ax)

Here x is a dimensionless parameter between -2 and 0. A value of -1 corresponds to an energy offset of E/mc^2 with E the energy of the original photon.

The parameter a is introduced to allow some empirical skewness of the line profile.

The profile can be scaled in the energy direction by s. For truly Compton scattering, this parameter should be kept to 1, otherwise it is not physical. However, if the user wants to mimic a double-horned profile (without the physics of Compton scattering), they may use this parameter for scaling.

v. Therefore if a delta-line at energy E is convolved with this component, its full energy width will be 2Ev/c, and line photons get a rectangular distribution between E-Ev/c and E+Ev/c. Of course, any line or continuum emission component can be convolved with the this broadening model.

The parameters of the model are:

s : Scaling of the profile in energy space s, dimensionless. Default value: 1.
a : Skewness parameter a, dimensionless. Default value: 0.