3.1.5. Bin: rebin the spectrum Overview

This command rebins the data (thus both the spectrum file and the response file) in a manner as described in Section Data: read response file and spectrum. The range to be rebinned can be specified either as a channel range (no units required) or in either any of the following units: keV, eV, Rydberg, Joule, Hertz, Å, nanometer, with the following abbreviations: kev, ev, ryd, j, hz, ang, nm.


Usually, the ignore command and the bin command are used around the same time. The safest order is to ignore parts of the spectrum first and then re-bin it. If the bin command is done first and then parts of the spectrum are ignored using a different energy range, then bins at the edges of the energy range could end up being reduced in width. Syntax

The following syntax rules apply:

bin #r #i : This is the simplest syntax allowed. One needs to give the range, #r, over at least the input data channels one wants to rebin. If one wants to rebin the whole input file the range must be at least the whole range over data channels (but a greater number is also allowed). #i is then the factor by which the data will be rebinned.
bin [instrument #i1] [region #i2] #r #i : Here one can also specify the instrument and region to be used in the binning. This syntax is necessary if multiple instruments or regions are used in the data input.
bin [instrument #i1] [region #i2] #r #i [unit #a] : In addition to the above here one can also specify the units in which the binning range is given. The units can be eV, Å, or any of the other units specified above. Examples

bin 1:10000 10 : Rebins the input data channel 1:10000 by a factor of 10.
bin instrument 1 1:10000 10 : Rebins the data from the first instrument as above.
bin 1:40 10 unit a : Rebins the input data between 1 and 40 Å by a factor of 10.