3.1. Command syntaxΒΆ
This chapter contains a brief explanation of the most relevant syntax used in SPEX. Each subchapter is divided in an overview, an explanation of the use of syntax followed by some practical examples.
- 3.1.1. Abundance: standard abundances
- 3.1.2. Aerror: Estimate atomic data errors for model parameters
- 3.1.3. Ascdump: ascii output of plasma and spectral properties
- 3.1.4. Ascdump output table properties
- 3.1.5. Bin: rebin the spectrum
- 3.1.6. Calculate: evaluate the spectrum
- 3.1.7. Comp: create, delete and relate spectral components
- 3.1.8. Data: read response file and spectrum
- 3.1.9. DEM: differential emission measure analysis
- 3.1.10. Distance: set the source distance
- 3.1.11. Egrid: define model energy grids
- 3.1.12. Elim: set flux energy limits
- 3.1.13. Error: Calculate the errors of the fitted parameters
- 3.1.14. Fit: spectral fitting
- 3.1.15. Ibal: set type of ionisation balance
- 3.1.16. Ignore: ignoring part of the spectrum
- 3.1.17. Ion: select ions for the plasma models
- 3.1.18. Log: Making and using command files
- 3.1.19. Menu: Menu settings
- 3.1.20. Model: show the current spectral model
- 3.1.21. Multiply: scaling of the response matrix
- 3.1.22. Obin: optimal rebinning of the data
- 3.1.23. Par: Input and output of model parameters
- 3.1.24. Plot: Plotting data and models
- 3.1.25. Quit: finish the program
- 3.1.26. Rbin: optimal rebinning of the data and response, including saving
- 3.1.27. Sector: creating, copying and deleting of a sector
- 3.1.28. Shiftplot: shift the plotted spectrum for display purposes
- 3.1.29. Simulate: Simulation of data
- 3.1.30. Step: Grid search for spectral fits
- 3.1.31. Syserr: systematic errors
- 3.1.32. System: call system executables
- 3.1.33. Use: reuse part of the spectrum
- 3.1.34. Var: various settings for the plasma models
- 3.1.35. Vbin: variable rebinning of the data
- 3.1.36. Watch: track time and subroutines